Dickinsonian, October 11, 1917

List of men from class of 1917 and current undergraduate body serving in military.  Rushing season begins.  Class of 1900 completes gate replacing famed old iron gate.  Class elections are held.  Athletic Association elects officers; H.K. Robinson '18 is president.


Dickinsonian, October 4, 1917

Text of Professor Leon Prince's matriculation sermon.  Opening ceremony of new academic year.  Interfraternity Council elects officers.  Military training becomes compulsory.  New Bible classes are compulsory for female students.  Metzger inhabitants to participate in a meatless and wheatless day once a week.


Dickinsonian, April 5, 1917

Musical clubs make annual spring tour.  Students sign petition requesting a drillmaster to ready the student body for military service.  Class Day is planned.  The Educational Jubilee Organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church convinces conferences to increase Dickinson's endowment.  Microcosm officers are elected.  Dickinsonian board is selected.  YWCA elects officers.


Dickinsonian, March 8, 1917

Mid-Winter Sports event is held.  Program for musical clubs' spring tour.  A proposed amendment to the honor system does not receive the required majority vote.  Kappa Sigma holds eighth annual Mid-Winter Dance.  Herr Waldemar Alfredo and his German players perform in Bosler.  Final exam schedule.  A.D. Roorbach argues against the adoption of military training at Dickinson.  Belles Lettres elects officers.


Dickinsonian, March 1, 1917

Sigma Chi celebrates its 59th anniversary.  Dr. George E. Reed returns to Dickinson to give a chapel address.  German actors return to Dickinson to give two plays.  The text of Dr. Filler's speech to Carlisle's Company G upon their return from military training is published.  A list of all campus organization officers is published.  Union Philosophical Society wins first annual debate between it and Harman Literary Society.

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Dickinsonian, February 22, 1917

Annual banquet in honor of Washington's birthday is held along with annual freshman parade.  Belles Lettres celebrates its 131st anniversary.  Dramatic Club performs "What Happened to Jones".  YWCA holds annual masquerade party.  The Dickinsonian is proud to be considered yellow journalism. 


Dickinsonian, February 15, 1917

Union Philosophical Society wins inter-society debate.  Freshmen defeat sophomores in annual button game of interclass basketball tournament.  Dramatic Club performs "What Happened to Jones".  Senior banquet is held.  Phi Kappa Psi holds its annual Founders' Day Dance.  Junior banquet is held.


Dickinsonian, February 8, 1917

Dr. Ira Landrich, Prohibition candidate for president in 1916, gives well-received speech in chapel.  The annual intersociety debate to be on compulsory arbitration of labor vs. capital disputes.  Alpha Chi Rho holds 12th anniversary banquet.  J.H. Atkinson urges Dickinson to adopt military training in case the U.S. enters WWI.

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