Dickinsonian Newspaper

Kappa Sigma Mid-Winter Dance

Dickinsonian Front Page

Conference Committee of the Faculty denies Student Assembly's request that members of the college band be exempt from gym class. A defense of Student Senate's usefulness. Kappa Sigma gives third annual mid-winter dance. The Women's Suffrage League meets often. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

The freshman class participated in the annual Washington Birthday “pee-rade.” The students wore elaborate costumes portraying many different characters. Kappa Sigma held its fifth annual mid-winter dance in Metzger Hall.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Mid-Winter Sports event is held.  Program for musical clubs' spring tour.  A proposed amendment to the honor system does not receive the required majority vote.  Kappa Sigma holds eighth annual Mid-Winter Dance.  Herr Waldemar Alfredo and his German players perform in Bosler.  Final exam...

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