Dickinsonian, February 28, 1980

Dr. Philip Morrison, distinguished astrophysicist and interpreter of science, receives the Priestley Award. There's a fire in the student union building. Senate gathers to consider a reorganization of the legislative body. Recently retired German ambassador to China and Dickinson alumnus Erwin Wickert returns to campus. College panel discusses Olympic boycott. English Professor Donald Bowie writes a book entitled "Station Identification" on his life of television addiction. Men's Basketball defeats Ursinus. Hockey Team wins against Haverford.


Dickinsonian, March 8, 1917

Mid-Winter Sports event is held.  Program for musical clubs' spring tour.  A proposed amendment to the honor system does not receive the required majority vote.  Kappa Sigma holds eighth annual Mid-Winter Dance.  Herr Waldemar Alfredo and his German players perform in Bosler.  Final exam schedule.  A.D. Roorbach argues against the adoption of military training at Dickinson.  Belles Lettres elects officers.


Dickinsonian, March 1, 1917

Sigma Chi celebrates its 59th anniversary.  Dr. George E. Reed returns to Dickinson to give a chapel address.  German actors return to Dickinson to give two plays.  The text of Dr. Filler's speech to Carlisle's Company G upon their return from military training is published.  A list of all campus organization officers is published.  Union Philosophical Society wins first annual debate between it and Harman Literary Society.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 19, 1931

Tribunal punishes freshmen for breaking freshman rules. Helmuth Joel (German exchange student) describes the plight of the working class in Germany. Arthur J. Hepburn, '96, is appointed to attend Geneva Conference. Students plan to participate in YMCA's Peace Conference at Bucknell University. YMCA and YWCA hold fireside meeting to discuss the Negro racial question. Professor Lewis Guy Rohrbaugh is elected to Pi Gamma Mu. Description of museum in Tome Scientific Building.


Dickinsonian, November 22, 1928

The Men's Senate condemns the scheduling of ten games in the upcoming 1929 football season, claiming that games begin prematurely and that they are too condensed.  The Belles Lettres Society hosts an art contest for original pieces with a $10 prize.  Dr. George Kartzke, Minister of Education in Berlin, lectures on the intellectual freedom within the German education system and youth movements.  German World War I Naval Commander Count Felix von Luckner, nicknamed 'Sea Devil', to give lecture.
