Dickinsonian, February 28, 1980

Dr. Philip Morrison, distinguished astrophysicist and interpreter of science, receives the Priestley Award. There's a fire in the student union building. Senate gathers to consider a reorganization of the legislative body. Recently retired German ambassador to China and Dickinson alumnus Erwin Wickert returns to campus. College panel discusses Olympic boycott. English Professor Donald Bowie writes a book entitled "Station Identification" on his life of television addiction. Men's Basketball defeats Ursinus. Hockey Team wins against Haverford.


Dickinsonian, February 13, 1985

Greek life gains greater popularity on campus, prompts the possibility of new sorority colonization. Central Pennsylvania Consortium moves to more effectively celebrate Black History Month with educational opportunities for residents of the Harrisburg area. English department faces personnel shake-ups: Prof. Ellen B. Rosenman to depart; Prof. Donald V. Bowie resigns. College gears up for Public Affairs Symposium on the role of media in society and on campus. Albert Thompson, College employee of 30 years, interviewed.
