Dickinsonian, October 29, 1921

Foreign Students Fund Society holds convention at Dickinson under the leadership of the YWCA. Professor C. E. Smith to instruct the college orchestra. Freshman class elects permanent officers. Student Senate organizes parade to precede football game against Gettysburg. Pi Beta Phi alumnae of Lancaster plan to give trophy to sorority with highest academic achievement each year.


Dickinsonian, October 8, 1921

All-college picnic is prepared. Phi Mu sets up fund to support sending a delegate to the annual YWCA convention. Ministerial Association elects officers. Press Club elects officers. Metzger Hall obtains a dog named Dickinson Metzger. Kappa Sigma holds annual Fall house party. Sigma Chi holds pledge dance. Epworth League holds large reception. Freshman class elects temporary officers.

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Dickinsonian, May 28, 1920

Elections for redesigned Senate are held.  Track team defeats Gettysburg.  Skitch-a-genee initiates new members.  Women's student government elects officers.  Baseball defeats Gettysburg.  Freshmen win inter-class track meet.  Rising seniors elect class officers.  French Club holds end-of-year social event.  Interfraternity League elects officers.  YWCA holds May Breakfast.  Women's student government will issue demerits to students who stay out too late. 

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Dickinsonian, October 11, 1917

List of men from class of 1917 and current undergraduate body serving in military.  Rushing season begins.  Class of 1900 completes gate replacing famed old iron gate.  Class elections are held.  Athletic Association elects officers; H.K. Robinson '18 is president.


Dickinsonian, June 20, 1919

Commencement issue.  Pierson Oratorical Contest and Sophomore Oratorical contest are held.  Inter-society debate is held.  Dickinson Players to perform As You Like It.  List of graduating class members.  Returning classes elect class officers.  Dr. Edmund D. Soper '98 speaks on Japan and China.  Elma May Houseman '19 wins James Fowler Rusling Scholarship Prize.  Esther A. B. Popel wins Patton Prize.  List of those elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
