Dickinsonian, April 29, 1922

Annual Tug-o'-War between Freshmen and Sophomores. The War Department requests that the college form a rifle club. The Greek Club will perform in Old West. Officers for all women organizations are chosen. Preparations for Alumni Day. Preparation for commencement activities. Dickinsonian Managerial Board elections. Belles Lettres Society and Law Club debate postponed. Professor Prince speaks at the Harrisburg Teachers' Association. Proposed Budget System was approved by student senate. John Hays will give a radio concert. Obituary for Miss Mary Dillon. Sophomore Oratorical Contest.


Dickinsonian, June 20, 1919

Commencement issue.  Pierson Oratorical Contest and Sophomore Oratorical contest are held.  Inter-society debate is held.  Dickinson Players to perform As You Like It.  List of graduating class members.  Returning classes elect class officers.  Dr. Edmund D. Soper '98 speaks on Japan and China.  Elma May Houseman '19 wins James Fowler Rusling Scholarship Prize.  Esther A. B. Popel wins Patton Prize.  List of those elected to Phi Beta Kappa.


Dickinsonian, June 1891

Program for commencement week. YMCA elects officers. Cole and Walkley prizes for declamation are awarded. UPS holds elections; H. M. Stephens is president. Belles Lettres holds elections; Chester N. Ames is president. Montgomery P. Sellers wins Belles Lettres Sophomore Oratorical contest; Clarence Balentine wins UPS sophomore oratorical contest. Freshmen hold burlesque. Dickinson competes at the Inter-collegiate Athletic Association of Pennsylvania's annual field day.


Dickinsonian, June 1890

Professor Rittenhouse resigns. Mr. McAllister wins the Union Philosophical Society's annual oratorical contest. President Reed moves his residence from East College to the new presidential mansion. Union Philosophical Society elects officers. Field Day is held. Turpin, '90, represents Dickinson at the Intercollegiate Athletic Association's field sports competition. A new fraternity, Alpha Zeta Pi, forms. Mr. Hynson wins the Belles Lettres Society's annual sophomore oratorical contest.


Dickinsonian, April 1886

The challenge of combining and cataloging the society libraries is discussed.  The Ramblers' Walking Club is the latest craze at Dickinson.  The Sophomore Oratorical Contest is planned.  The recently formed Pennsylvania Inter-Collegiate Baseball Association is disbanded due to a lack of interested schools.  The Union Philosophical Society holds their anniversary, and the Baltimore Alumni Association holds a reunion. 

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, June 1876

Baltimore Alumni Association meets. Schedule for commencement week. Belles Lettres Society holds sixth annual oratorical contest; James C. Nicholson wins. Union Philosophical Society holds its sophomore oratorical contest. Dickinson baseball defeats State Normal School of Shippensburg.


Dickinsonian, May 26, 1909

Large intetcollegiate track meet held at Harrisburg. Dickinson loses to the Carlisle Indians in baseball. Sophomore oratorical contest. Department of Oratory oratorical contest. Update on 1910 Microcosm. Violin recital given in Bosler Hall by Mr. Charles Kunen.

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Dickinsonian, May 28, 1898

The second of the annual Sophomore oratorical contests is held in Bosler Hall under the auspices of the Belles Lettres Literary Society.  The 115th annual commencement ceremonies are planned, to include a sermon by President George Edward Reed.  The track and field dual meet between Dickinson and the Carlisle Indian School is cancelled due to petty disagreements in methods of arbitration.


Dickinsonian, June 1892

Commencement and commencement week are detailed. UPS and BLS hold their annual general meetings. List of members of class of '92 with vocation, favorite study, favorite swear, measurements, clothing sizes, mottoes, etc. President gives annual Levee. Joseph Webster Stayman wins BLS sophomore oratorical prize. Frank McDaniel wins UPS sophomore oratorical prize. Frederick Elliot Downes wins gold Pierson prize; Clarence Balentine wins silver. William Perry Eveland wins senior oratorical prize. Phi Kappa Psi, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, and Phi Delta Theta hold annual banquets.


Dickinsonian, June 26, 1874

Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Society hold annual joint meeting, elect S. G. Hare B.L.S. president and John Wilson U.P.S. president. Commencement. McCauleys give annual Levee to senior class. J. T. Mallalieu wins sophomore oratorical prize from U.P.S. Alumni erect a monument over the grave of former president H. M. Johnson. Salutatorian is allowed to speak in English instead of Latin because he had a science focus. The fraternity formerly known as Independent is chartered into Beta Theta Pi. Class of 1872 plans a reunion.


Dickinsonian, June 2, 1874

Schedule for Commencement week. C. B. Staples lectures to Scientific Society; J. A. Barnitz is elected president of the society. Senior class has tea at house of Professor Henry Harman. Sigma Chi holds convention of Pennsylvania chapters at Dickinson. J. E. Price wins Belles Lettres Society sophomore oratorical prize; Union Philosophical Society holds sophomore oratorical contest but has yet to decide the winner. A Harrisburg team defeats the Dickinson baseball team.


Dickinsonian, May 5, 1874

Schedule for commencement activities is published. The committee for organizing Class Day is chosen. Seniors R. M. Parker, R. B. Weaver, and W. C. Gross lecture to Scientific Society. Literary societies plan sophomore contests. G. W. Miller, J. A. H. Barnitz, A. R. Bender, and Ed. Hilton are elected Dickinsonian editors. Baseball club is formed with C. W. Emmerich as president.


Dickinsonian, July 1, 1873

Commencement week is detailed. J. Richard Parkison and E. H. Conklin win Pierson Prizes in Junior oratorical contest. Class Day is detailed. First Class Spread is a success. Board of Trustees meets. Alumni Association holds annual meeting. J. W. Wetzel, G. H. Miller, J. R. Parkison, and W. L. Gooding are elected Dickinsonian editors. J. Y. Dobbins and C. F. Robbins are elected secretaries; E. F. Hilton is elected treasurer. Senior D. M. Graham holds class party. Henry Thomas wins Union Philosophical Society's sophomore oratorical contest. Jno. F.


Dickinsonian, May 15, 1912

Baseball defeats Gettysburg 4-3. Track ties Gettysburg. Gettysburg defeats tennis. President and Mrs. Noble hold reception for senior class. Senior class revives tradition of holding sings on steps of Old West. Adam Nagay and Lester W. Auman win sophomore oratorical contest. Senior class takes annual trip to Luray Caverns. Student Senate elections are held. Class of 1915 elects its officers.


Dickinsonian, May 19, 1900

Phi Kappa Psi holds a smoker. The Gamma Epsilon Literary socicety of the Preparatory School holds a debate. The Union Philosophical Society has their annual Sophomore Oratorical Contest in Bosler Hall. Comments on college discipline.

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