Dickinsonian, April 29, 1922

Annual Tug-o'-War between Freshmen and Sophomores. The War Department requests that the college form a rifle club. The Greek Club will perform in Old West. Officers for all women organizations are chosen. Preparations for Alumni Day. Preparation for commencement activities. Dickinsonian Managerial Board elections. Belles Lettres Society and Law Club debate postponed. Professor Prince speaks at the Harrisburg Teachers' Association. Proposed Budget System was approved by student senate. John Hays will give a radio concert. Obituary for Miss Mary Dillon. Sophomore Oratorical Contest.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 1922

Kenneth Bixler obituary. Edgar C. Raine to give lecture on Alaska in Bosler Hall. Dr. Ira Landrith of the Intercollegiate Prohibition Association will address the college. Union Philosophical Society defeats the Belles Lettres Society in the inter-society contest. Update on Week of Prayer. Miss Mary Anderson address. Dr. Robert William Rogers lecture. Mr. Biddle addresses the Mohler Scientific Club in Denny Hall. Freshmen class has walk around to celebrate liberties. Annual meeting of college presidents from Pennsylvania.


Dickinsonian, January 14, 1922

Exhibit on the life and works of Dante. Norman Angell will address the college. Freshmen class rejects the use of an honor system during examinations. Announcement of the annual Sophomore Hop. Announcement of a stunt night. Madame de Vilaine lectures the French Club in Harmon Hall. Dr. Lewis S. Mudge will speak at the next Y. M. C. A. meeting. Orchestra club returns from a strike. Kappa Sigma entertains a Bible class. W. H. Loban is awarded a "D". Dr. Vogt speaks. Robert C. Young obituary. Professor Rosenberger speaks to the Mohler Scientific Club.


Dickinsonian, December 17, 1921

Dickinson joins the National Disarmament Body. Greek societies are expected to perform. Professor Prettyman reads to the Fornightly Club. Members for the inter-society debate team are announced. McIntire Society may debate with Wilson College. Raven's Claw Bolshevik session. Skull and Key Society formal. Plans for an orchestra concert.

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Dickinsonian, May 1895

Demorest Temperence Contest held at the Lutheran Church. Anna Shaw lecture on the "New Man". Freshmen banquet. Update on the Microcosm. Rod and Gun club is organized. President Reed's reception to members of the Senior class. Debate between Belles Lettres Society and Union Philosophical Society, the Union Philosophical Society the victor. Obituary for Dickinson student Leon Chamberlain. Freshmen Oratorical Contest for the Cole and Walkley prizes held in Bosler Hall. New fraternity song for Phi Delta Theta. Y. M. C. A. Northfield convention.


Dickinsonian, November 16, 1900

Memorial for Clifford O. Webster, John Wynn, and C. E. Lauer. Follow up on the Y. M. C. A. week of prayer. The third entertainment of the Brockway course. Card party held on East High Street. Announcement of the debaters for the Inter-Society debate.

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