Dickinsonian, April 29, 1922

Annual Tug-o'-War between Freshmen and Sophomores. The War Department requests that the college form a rifle club. The Greek Club will perform in Old West. Officers for all women organizations are chosen. Preparations for Alumni Day. Preparation for commencement activities. Dickinsonian Managerial Board elections. Belles Lettres Society and Law Club debate postponed. Professor Prince speaks at the Harrisburg Teachers' Association. Proposed Budget System was approved by student senate. John Hays will give a radio concert. Obituary for Miss Mary Dillon. Sophomore Oratorical Contest.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1922

Miss Mary Buttorff to be featured in the Philomel concert. All college miniature circus event. Microcosm story winners are announced. The shifters appear on campus. Sophomores are allowed to choose punishments for Freshmen guilty of violating rules. The common cold is spreading through campus like wildfire. Banquet to be held for basketball players. Alumni of the College has two banquets. Sigma Alpha Epsilon formal. Phi Delta Theta informal. Kappa Sigma informal. Alpha Chi Rho stunt and dinner. Beta Theta Pi St. Patrick's Day event. Phi Mu banquet.


Dickinsonian, December 10, 1921

Creation of the National Student Committee for the Limitation of Armament. The College Social Committee's plans for an all school event. Colonel Stanley Dunbar Embick addresses the college. Annual doll show. Article on Antonio Andrea Arrighi. Phi Delta Theta has an informal. Professor Baumgartner gives a health talk. French Club meeting. Chi Omega entertained Pi Beta Phi and Phi Mu. Formation of women's honorary society, Theta Omicron.


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Dickinsonian, November 19, 1921

Anniversary of the signing of the Armistice. Speaker Colbert N. Kurokawa visits. Resignation of Miss Hartman from women's athletic. Stuckenrath and Weist prizes are awarded. Article on the Women's Athletic Association organized hiking. Collegiate Disarmament Conference in Chicago. Raven's Claw meeting in the Phi Psi house. Press Club smoker in the Theta Chi house. Phi Mu and Pi Beta Phi violated rules.


Dickinsonian, October 8, 1921

All-college picnic is prepared. Phi Mu sets up fund to support sending a delegate to the annual YWCA convention. Ministerial Association elects officers. Press Club elects officers. Metzger Hall obtains a dog named Dickinson Metzger. Kappa Sigma holds annual Fall house party. Sigma Chi holds pledge dance. Epworth League holds large reception. Freshman class elects temporary officers.

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Dickinsonian, March 5, 1920

Intercollegiate debating team defeats Bucknell and Penn State.  Harmon Literary Society defeats Union Philosophical Society in a debate concerning co-education at Dickinson.  French Club celebrates Washington's birthday.  Phi Mu initiates new members.  Philomel Club (women's glee club) to perform. 



Dickinsonian, February 27, 1926

S. Marsh Johnson, former assistant coach at the University of Pittsburgh, is elected by the Athletic Association as Dickinson's new football Coach. Dickinson has joined a one year trial Eastern Collegiate Athletic conference with the football programs of Gettysburg, Franklin and Marshall, Muhlenberg, and Ursinus. Joe Nesbit's Orchestra will provide the music for the Junior Prom this year. The Student Volunteer Conference is a popular success. Prof. Leon C. Prince delivered the main address of the celebration of the 140th anniversary of Belles Lettres literary Society.


Dickinsonian, November 14, 1940

The Dickinson Alumni Club of Ohio is formed in Cleveland, the twenty-second alumni organization to be formed. Seven freshmen are tried by the Student Tribune for laughing at their classmates who had to perform for upperclassmen. The intrusion of Metzger Hall reported last week is said to have been nothing but a nightmare. A national officer of Phi Mu visits the chapter at Dickinson. The coach of the freshman football team is forced to cancel the remaining games in the season due to many injuries.

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Dickinsonian, March 5, 1942

Dean Vuilleumier discusses the plan for the first ever summer semester to take place this summer. Girls prepare to escort men in the coming days as Pan-Hell Week begins. List of all Dickinson alumni that has been living in Hawaii. President Corson returns from month-long vacation in the South. A graduate from 1934 has just qualified as a sharpshooter in the US Marine Corps. Article on criticism the Navy has received due to its potential plan to engender hate for the peoples of enemy country in its pilots. Dickinson begins to require physical education as a graduation requirement for men.

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Dickinsonian, February 19, 1942

The theme for the Mid-Winter Ball will be George Washington's birthday. Eight new members initiated into Phi Delta Theta. Five professors were among the 107 people that registered for the Armed Forces at Dickinson's third registration day. Kappa Sigma initiates five new members as Phi Mu initiates two. Rushing comes to a close for the fraternities. This week's Student Opinion Surveys of America poll debates the issue of the availability of alcohol near army camps. New president of the Athletic Association elected. History of the Lenore Allison Tower. Chi Omega initiates three.


Dickinsonian, March 21, 1947

President William W. Edel and Associate Professor Harold W. Weigel are elected to Omicron Delta Kappa. Oliver Hormell, Philip E. Jones, John Dodge, and Carl Lundquist to represent Dickinson at twelfth annual Pennsylvania State Debaters Convention. Phi Mus win women's IF basketball championship.


Dickinsonian, February 22, 1958

Fire in the Pi Mu sorority house. Details regarding the Annual Scholarship Dinner. James Stewart Leslie to discuss the Danforth Experiment in chapel. The Student's Party presents their political platform. The Cultural Affairs Committee presented a lecture by Hanson Baldwin, Military Editor of the New York Times. Dr. Carl Chambers gives a talk on education in chapel. Article on James Buchanan. Dickinson Swimming sets three new records. Profile on student athlete Robert Brasler.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1955

"Bachelors Bend," a production by the Dickinson Follies opens tonight at the Carlisle High School auditorium. The Alumni Committee and the Faculty Fraternity Relations Committee are meeting to discuss potential changes to the fraternity system at Dickinson. A computing laboratory is being opened in South College to be used for accounting and statistical work in all departments and generally by faculty and students. Four faculty members resign: Chace Davis, Jerry Stevenson, Roy Kuebler, and HG Kenagy.

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Dickinsonian, February 18, 1955

A time capsule is laid in the corner stone of Morgan Hall as it is being built. Classes are let out early for this ceremonious occasion. An anonymous organization donates $50,000 to the building of a new student activities center. Women's fraternities Chi Omega, Zeta Tau Alpha, Phi Mu and Pi Beta Phi pledge 73 freshmen girls. The Placement Office of Dickinson College opens its doors to seniors looking for job opportunities post-graduation. Several new classes are added to the 1956 course catalog including a introductory course in the social sciences all freshmen will be required to take.

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Dickinsonian, December 12, 1958

A discussion on Dickinson's Honor Code will be sponsored by Danforth and Omicron Delta Kappa. All sororities and some fraternities are to hold Christmas parties for the underprivileged children of Carlisle. The Dickinson College Choir will be filmed performing in Harrisburg and broadcast on WHP TV.


Dickinsonian, October 10, 1958

A feud between the Student Senate and the Dean regarding the Dickinsonian has been resolved. Chemistry Professor Dr. Vuilleumier died in the Althouse Stockroom and was mourned by the campus community. Four high-achieving seniors are initiated into the Phi Beta Kappa honors society and members of Phi Beta Phi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Mu, and Sigma Chi were also honored for their academic achievements.

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Dickinsonian, February 16, 1968

The Back Alley Quintet is set to perform on Valentine Weekend in the Social Hall. Nine candidates for the various Student Senate positions unveiled their campaigns in the last week. The IFC held a series of lectures on fraternity life. Dean Gillespie announced that students over the age of 21 could now live in off-campus housing, under certain stipulations. The Rococo Company "Baroque" group is set to perform this weekend. A "moderate epidemic" of German measles arrived on campus, affecting twenty students, according to a nurses report.


Dickinsonian, October 13, 1967

Spahr Library opens for the first time after book walk. Dickinson gears up for approaching parents' weekend. Yom Kippur services are announced, with a schedule of services and an explanation of Yom Kippur included. Vienna Symphony concert series set to begin Friday, October 13th, at Carlisle Senior High School as part of the Dickinson College Greatest Artist Series. International Studies program in Bologna grows in popularity as it continues to evolve. ODK Conference was reviewed as successful in stimulating discussion but not necessarily in generating conclusions.


Dickinsonian, October 22, 1965

Female students will be allowed above the first floor of all men's residence halls from 7:30 to 8:00 pm Tuesday, Oct. 26 to collect donations for the 1965 endowment fund. Opposition to Governor Scranton's "Operation Focus" anti-poverty program is discussed. Editor Maurice Girodais's "The Olympia Reader", a book containing many stories considered to be pornographic, is to be published. ODK will offer an annual Songfest. Final changes to the 1965-66 Social Rules were agreed upon by a faculty sub-committee based upon senate requests.


Dickinsonian, April 28, 1961

Report on the trial of Robert Meisenbach after San Fransisco student protest of the House Un-American Activities Committee. Ben Giorgio names new Editor-in-Chief of Microcosm. Letter from Dr. Rubendall to the college prior to his arrival. Professor Wishmeyer and Dean Barbara Stevens marry. ROTC inspections successful. Editorial on American Association of University Professors and on Dr. Rubendall. Aquacade performances receive great acclaim. Recap of Agnes DeMille's opening talk of Arts Festival. Anticipating Parents Weekend activities. Phi Mu Alpha to present concert. Dr.

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Dickinsonian, April 14, 1961

Agnes DeMille will participate in Second Annual Arts Festival. Phi Mu to show movie on the House Un-American Activities Committee that has received national criticism. Dr. Masland explains the John Birch Society's goals. Francis Warlow first Fulbright Award recipient in college history. Freshmen plays will occur later in the month. Pi Gamma Mus elects eighteen students to social science honor society. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke on campus. Dr. Van de Kamp gave a lecture after receiving the Glover Lecture Award. Dr. Joseph McVicker Hunt to visit as guest psychologist.


Dickinsonian, March 17, 1961

Priestley award goes to Dr. W. Maurice Ewing of Columbia University, Geophysicist. Malcolm Reports Dickinson's progress is on improvement. Senior Fred Richardson reserves Woodrow Wilson award for chemistry research. John Dingee takes over as Senate president. Loan from the federal Community Facilities Administration for a new dining hall and women's residence hall (probably Adams). Dickinson Follies to present The Boyfriend. Solution to Denny Hall pigeon nuisance investigated. New issue of the Hornbook published, contents disappointing.

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Dickinsonian, October 14, 1960

This issue contains an article as well as an editorial concerning Dickinson's accreditation by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Student Senate approved loaning money to put towards a radio station at Dickinson. Professor John C. Pflaum, who recently returned from a trip to Russia, is featured, as well as German exchange student Dirk Bothe. An interview with a Professor Gavrilovic discusses the selection of New York for the United Nations. A letter to the editor explained the policies of Fraternity rushing.

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Dickinsonian, November 13, 1959

Stories in this edition include an announcement that architect Eero Saarinen will speak here. Religion-in-Life organization announces presentation that will include talks by Rabbi Bennett, Reverend Durham, Monsignor Schmidt and Reverend Evans. The cheerleading squad adds five new members. Follies tryouts are announced. Dean Ness commends the IFC for raising the pledging average. Homecoming queen Barbara Duvall is crowned. Dickinson loses homecoming game to Lebanon Valley, 15-6. Social service projects are sponsored by Chi Omega and Pi Mu. A new reading program is announced.

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