Dickinsonian, June 5, 1926

The Baseball team takes a victory over Gettysburg rivals. Seniors celebrate Annual Class Day features and prepare for graduation. The Drama Club's production of "Kempy" opens to great success. Alumni Day features class reunion activities and a parade. The Glee Club reviews the performances of its busy season. This last issue of the academic year also contains a review of the year's sports programs.


Dickinsonian, May 22, 1926

The Track team takes first in it's division at the Intercollegiate Central Pennsylvania track meet and will continue on to Middle Atlantics. Student Senate elections are held, with the ballots unchanged, and results are announced. Extensive plans continue to be made for the 143rd commencement; including a fraternity dance on thursday night. Outgoing and incoming student government presidents are presented with rings.

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Dickinsonian, May 15, 1926

Belles Lettres is victorious in the Annual Founder's Day contest. Student Senate elections are postponed to address the issues that the Senate's current composition of nine fraternity men to five Commons' Club men will remain. Robert H. Duffy will be assisting Coach Johnson with the football team this coming season. Prof. Prince continues his campaign for a seat in Congress.

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Dickinsonian, May 8, 1926

Founders Day and May Day will be celebrated Thursday of this week. The annual Senior Picnic will be held at Medowbrook Park this year. Mr. G. R. Hemminger presents the College with a rare stuffed "Duckbill" (a platypus) through Prof. B. Floyd Rinker of the English department. The Track team prepares to meet their Gettysburg rivals. Results of a poll by the Dickinsonian show that students favor the current prohibition law. Ohio State Senator Simeon D. Fess will be this years Commencement speaker.

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Dickinsonian, May 1, 1926

The Dickinson Relay team takes second at the Middle Atlantic Class B College Championship. Nominations are made for Student Senate. Sophomores win the annual tug-of-war, pulling the freshman into LeTort Spring. A celebration of Founder's Day and May Day is planed for May 13th. The festivities will close with a contest between Belles Lettres and the Union Philosophical Society consisting of an original oration, a debate, an impromptu, and a humorous selection. Plans for freshman entertainment in the fall are accepted by the Interfraternity Council. Offices are announced for the Y.W.C.A.

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Dickinsonian, April 24, 1926

The College's financial standing has improved over the past 12 years under the guidance of President Morgan and plans are made for a new Gymnasium to be built on the site of South College. Plans are made to organize a German Club. The Glee Clubs combine to put on the Japanese play "Miss Cherry Blossom" or "A Maid of Tokyo." The tennis team travels to Philadelphia.

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Dickinsonian, April 17, 1926

Dr. Frederick D. Losey gives a Chapel presentation on King Leer. Phi Beta Kappa fraternity celebrates its 150th anniversary. The freshman class wins the inter-class track meet. The Baseball team looses its third game in a disappointing season thus far. The Senior Ball is scheduled.


Dickinsonian, April 10, 1926

The Senior Class announces election results for commencement positions. Spring football training begins. The inter-class track and field meet is revived after two years. Prof. Leon C. Prince filed a petition to run as a Republican candidate for the House of Representatives for the 19th congressional district. The Dramatic Club announces the cast for their June play "Kempy."


Dickinsonian, March 20, 1926

This issue of the Dickinsonian contains a write-up about the Joe Nesbit orchestra, who will be playing at this year's Junior Prom. A new rule for graduation is announced stating that students averaging less than 60% for any year's college work or less than 70% for each of two consecutive year's work shall lose one year of college credit. The Men's and Women's Glee Clubs will combine to give an Easter concert. Commencement activities will begin on June 3rd with fraternity open-house dances and commencement itself will be held on the morning of June 7th.


Dickinsonian, March 13, 1926

The basketball team ends an all-time best season with a record 15 wins. The Dramatic Club will present "The Whole Town's Talking."  Tickets go on sale for the Junior Prom. Prof. C. W. Prettyman was elected president of the newly formed Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference.


Dickinsonian, March 6, 1926

Dickenson looses against Bucknell and Penn State in the annual triangular debate. The 14th annual banquet of the Dickinson Alumni Association is held in Harrisburg. Coach McAndrews issues the first call for baseball hopefulls. The Dickinson basketball team takes a 33-25 victory over Gettysburg. The Drama Club will present "The Whole Town's Talking" on March 16th. The first annual Miami Triad Dance was held by Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Theta, and Beta Theta Pi fraternities. Motion pictures on the process of film-making were shown by the Mohler Scientific club.


Dickinsonian, February 27, 1926

S. Marsh Johnson, former assistant coach at the University of Pittsburgh, is elected by the Athletic Association as Dickinson's new football Coach. Dickinson has joined a one year trial Eastern Collegiate Athletic conference with the football programs of Gettysburg, Franklin and Marshall, Muhlenberg, and Ursinus. Joe Nesbit's Orchestra will provide the music for the Junior Prom this year. The Student Volunteer Conference is a popular success. Prof. Leon C. Prince delivered the main address of the celebration of the 140th anniversary of Belles Lettres literary Society.


Dickinsonian, February 13, 1926

Dickinson will host the 21st Annual Student Volunteer Conference of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The cast for the mid-year play "The Whole Town's Talking" is chosen. The 1926 Microcosm reports a $632 profit. A new contest is proposed where all four literary societies will present a program in chapel and the student body will vote on a winner.


Dickinsonian, February 6, 1926

Dickinson considers entering into a football conference with seven other local colleges--including Gettysburg, Franklin and Marshall, Muhlemberg, Haverford, Ursinus, and Swarthmore. Try-outs are held for the Drama Club's winter production of "the Whole Town's Talking." The Dickinson Basketball team takes its 6th stright win over the undefeated Mount Saint Mary's. A three day Bible exhibit will be held at Allison Church where B. Floyd Rinker of the English department will speek on the history of the bible. Dr. G. Whitfield Ray gave a Chapel talk about life in South America.

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Dickinsonian, January 23, 1926

Dr. Ray, noted explorer, will lecture on his experiences in South America in Chapel on Wednesday. The Junior Prom is planed for March 25th. Photography for the Microcosm has finished. President James H. Morgan was the first speaker on the program of the conference of the Educational Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church and spoke on "What Standards Shall Govern the Admission of Freshman?". The Harmon Literary Society focuses their most recent meeting on Shakespeare. The Basketball team takes an easy win over Blue Ridge.


Dickinsonian, January 16, 1926

Dickinson's Basketball team takes down the University of Pennsylvania in a 24 to 19 victory. Plans begin for the junior Prom.  Jacob Goldberg is elected to basketball captain. Belles Lettres welcomes women to a meeting. The Dramatic Club announces "The Whole Town's Talking" as their mid-year play. Faculty judges select members for the Debating Team.

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Dickinsonian, January 9, 1926

Student Senate President George Zierden will give a public apology at Gettysburg College for the "D"s painted on the gates of the college before their game against Dickinson. The Glee Club departs for a four day trip through Maryland. Christian F. Baiz, '27, is chosen as manager for the 1926 football team. The Dickinson Debate team considers forming a new triangular debate with Gettysburg and Franklin and Marshall Colleges. Student Senate will form a Student Intermediary Committee with the purpose of presenting ideas and movements with heavy student support to the faculty. William W.


Dickinsonian, December 16, 1926

Fred E. Sweeley chosen as the football team's new captain. Religion questionnaire for students included. Deferred rushing and pledging is extensively discussed at the National Inter-fraternity Conference. Article on the variation of Freshman rules amongst colleges and universities statewide. Description of education provided by Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia University in New York City.


Dickinsonian, December 2, 1926

Dr. James M. Yard of the Methodist Foreign Board of Missions in China addressed the student body in chapel on the Dickinson-in-China Program. Nearly $1500 is raise for the Dickinson-in-China drive on its first day. A notable baritone singer from New York City, Edwin Swain is going to give a concert at an upcoming chapel meeting.

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Dickinsonian, November 18, 1926

Fraternity initiates are not permitted to pledge until the end of the Fall term in order to assure passing grades. Colonel Frank R. Keefer, class of 1885, has been appointed by President Coolidge Brigadier-General and Assistant Surgeon-General of the U.S. Army. M. Grace Betchel donates $1,000 to the College. Discussion of upcoming Phi Beta Kappa Sesqui-Centennial at the College of William and Mary. Article on the benefits of businessmen knowing multiple languages.


Dickinsonian, November 4, 1926

Professor Ernest A. Vuilleumier devises a new method to prove the accuracy of chemical analysis of solutions, designating it "The Dickinson Number." Well-known music critic Sigmund Spaeth to lecture at chapel. Park H. Loose is elected by Senate to represent Dickinson at the National Student Federation of America to be held at the University of Michigan in December - The first time Dickinson has been represented at this congress. Dickinson Football makes its first victory of the season against Schuylkill. A detailed article outlines guidelines on proper etiquette at the College.


Dickinsonian, October 21, 1926

Successful dramatist, Clayton Hamilton to speak at the upcoming chapel meeting. Rabbi Philip David Bookstaber of Harrisburg to speak at this evening's "Y" meeting. The University Club of Harrisburg has chosen this season's lectures: M.H.H. Joachim, Gregory Mason, Phidelah Rice, Hugh Walpole, Philip Guedalla, and John Cowper Powys. Article that praises student-faculty cooperation in the decision over vacation policy. Zeta Tau Alpha wins the Scholarship Cup. Dr.

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