Dickinsonian, October 21, 1926

Successful dramatist, Clayton Hamilton to speak at the upcoming chapel meeting. Rabbi Philip David Bookstaber of Harrisburg to speak at this evening's "Y" meeting. The University Club of Harrisburg has chosen this season's lectures: M.H.H. Joachim, Gregory Mason, Phidelah Rice, Hugh Walpole, Philip Guedalla, and John Cowper Powys. Article that praises student-faculty cooperation in the decision over vacation policy. Zeta Tau Alpha wins the Scholarship Cup. Dr.

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Dickinsonian, October 5, 1951

Warren J. Gates, Rose Bartsch, Thayer Addison, and Marian R. Memory join faculty. Charles H. B. "Chick" Kennedy, head of physical education department and director of athletics, dies. Class of 1955 is largest ever admitted at 256 students; their home states and countries are listed. E. A. Vuilleumier becomes chairman of Southeastern Pennsylvania section of American Chemical Society. John Hopper, '48, is new basketball coach. History Professor John Pflaum encourages students to visit Europe.

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Dickinsonian, October 23, 1964

James Farmer, national director of the Congress of Racial Equality, will speak October 29th. Events of homecoming are reported. Betty Kay Griesemer crowned Homecoming Queen.In preparation for the upcoming presidential election, a mock election will be held October 29th in the Student Union. Professor Allan I. Ludwig receives a grant for a new book about New England Puritan stone sculpture. The American Chemical Society has formed a chapter at Dickinson. Thirty-six seniors are currently working in an honors degree program. Professor Mac E. Barrick joins the Modern Language department.
