Dickinsonian, December 14, 1962

This Dickinsonian opens with a story about a fire that destroyed several stores in Carlisle. The Student Rules Evaluation Committee voted to continue in order to improve social rules at Dickinson. WDCV programs are now on four days a week, four hours a day. Two guest editorials discussed chapel. Dean Nelson expressed concern that students were using stimulants in order to stay awake in the weeks before and during exams that are not legal. The Mermaid Players will stage "The Crucible." An article praises the Washington, DC, semester program.


Dickinsonian, December 7, 1962

In this issue, Rush Week of 1962 closed with 190 fraternity affiliations, resulting in a Dickinsonian editorial praising the new rush process instituted by the Interfraternity Council. Dr. Howard L. Rubendall announced that Althouse was to receive a rooftop observatory. Dr. George Shuman, Jr., resigned as the college's development director. The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra is to play at Carlisle High School as part of Dickinson's Cultural Affair series. An agent from the Peace Corps will visit the college in order to talk to interested students.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 23, 1964

James Farmer, national director of the Congress of Racial Equality, will speak October 29th. Events of homecoming are reported. Betty Kay Griesemer crowned Homecoming Queen.In preparation for the upcoming presidential election, a mock election will be held October 29th in the Student Union. Professor Allan I. Ludwig receives a grant for a new book about New England Puritan stone sculpture. The American Chemical Society has formed a chapter at Dickinson. Thirty-six seniors are currently working in an honors degree program. Professor Mac E. Barrick joins the Modern Language department.


Dickinsonian, September 18, 1964

College President Howard L. Rubendall opens 1964-1965 academic year at 192nd opening convocation. The complete text of his address is included in this issue. New student center opens. Students are "amazed" despite incomplete facilities. Rush regulations are reviewed. The freshman class is the largest in the history of the school with 452 freshman from 23 states and 6 foreign countries. An article gives advice to incoming freshman. A series of chapels is announced with the theme "Reflections on Freedom." The issue contains two pages of photos documenting recent changes in the campus.
