Dickinsonian, February 22, 1979

In this edition, a massive food fight in the dining hall resulted in a $679.09 bill to shampoo and clean the damaged rugs. The Student Senate elections resulted in Avery Leslie winning Senate President, and the students voted to keep the cafeteria closed to commuting students. President Sam Banks inducted into the athletic Hall of Fame Joseph J. Myers for basketball and football, Reno F. DiOrio for football, and G. Raymond Weaver for basketball and baseball. Bill Boucher and Mark Hash won third and fourth place respectively at the Penn State Invitational Ski Tournament.


Dickinsonian, December 14, 1962

This Dickinsonian opens with a story about a fire that destroyed several stores in Carlisle. The Student Rules Evaluation Committee voted to continue in order to improve social rules at Dickinson. WDCV programs are now on four days a week, four hours a day. Two guest editorials discussed chapel. Dean Nelson expressed concern that students were using stimulants in order to stay awake in the weeks before and during exams that are not legal. The Mermaid Players will stage "The Crucible." An article praises the Washington, DC, semester program.


Dickinsonian, December 7, 1962

In this issue, Rush Week of 1962 closed with 190 fraternity affiliations, resulting in a Dickinsonian editorial praising the new rush process instituted by the Interfraternity Council. Dr. Howard L. Rubendall announced that Althouse was to receive a rooftop observatory. Dr. George Shuman, Jr., resigned as the college's development director. The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra is to play at Carlisle High School as part of Dickinson's Cultural Affair series. An agent from the Peace Corps will visit the college in order to talk to interested students.

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