Dickinsonian, June 1, 1916

The track team defeats Muhlenberg 73-53, and the baseball team loses to Ursinus at home, 4-3. The tennis team loses to Franklin & Marshall. Sports players from the different teams are profiled, including George C. Moose and Kenneth Bruce Vaughn. The track team is reviewed by their coach. Performances of the Glee Club and the Dramatic Club are scheduled. Kenneth Vaughn is also placed in the school’s Athletic Hall of Fame. Members of the sophomore class are initiated into the Skitch-A-Genee Sophomore Society.


Dickinsonian, October 14, 1993

A student is arrested outside of Morgan carrying a loaded firearm. The student is believed to have been planing on returning to Phi Kappa Psi with the gun. Tri-Delta is renewed with a large pledge class of 34. The college celebrates National Coming Out Day. Nine Dickinson students studying abroad in Moscow hold up well among recent violence between supporters of Boris Yeltsin and hard-line Communists in Parliament. Dr. George Woodwell came and spoke to students about environmental issues and was the recipient of this year's Priestley Award.


Dickinsonian, February 22, 1979

In this edition, a massive food fight in the dining hall resulted in a $679.09 bill to shampoo and clean the damaged rugs. The Student Senate elections resulted in Avery Leslie winning Senate President, and the students voted to keep the cafeteria closed to commuting students. President Sam Banks inducted into the athletic Hall of Fame Joseph J. Myers for basketball and football, Reno F. DiOrio for football, and G. Raymond Weaver for basketball and baseball. Bill Boucher and Mark Hash won third and fourth place respectively at the Penn State Invitational Ski Tournament.


Dickinsonian, February 21, 1975

The Mermaid Players latest production of Rashomon will open next week. Director of student aid Charles Twichell discusses the current financial aid situation with Student Senate. An outline of events, topics, and background information on the Public Affairs Symposium is given along with biographies of their key note speakers. Frank Noonan, Lloyd Hughes, and William Kerstetter are announced as Members of the 1975 Sports Hall of Fame for basketball.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 17, 1969

Students successfully celebrated Vietnam Moratorium day. There is an extensive pictorial spread of the event and others like it. A forum was held to discuss the aftermath, effects, and opinions of the Moratorium on campus. There is a followup on the disbandment of the fraternity committee. Along with presidents from 75 other prestigious privet colleges, President Rubendall appealed to President Nixon for an updated timetable in Vietnam. SAE and ADE institute a colloquium program involving informal discussion with professors.
