Dickinsonian, May 15, 1926

Belles Lettres is victorious in the Annual Founder's Day contest. Student Senate elections are postponed to address the issues that the Senate's current composition of nine fraternity men to five Commons' Club men will remain. Robert H. Duffy will be assisting Coach Johnson with the football team this coming season. Prof. Prince continues his campaign for a seat in Congress.

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Dickinsonian, November 14, 1925

The cabinets of the YMCA and YWCA join forces to continue to educate students about US involvement in the World Court. The question of the United States entering the World Court will be put to Congress in December and it is the goal of the YMCA for students voices to be heard by taking a poll  to present to Congress. The football team is defeated 0 to 6 by their Gettysburg rivals. Dickinson will receive $150,000 in the will of trustee Melville Gambrill.

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Dickinsonian, September 26, 1925

This week's issue of the Dickinsonian announces the elections of F. B. Giebel as president of the freshman class and Christopher P. Crook to the sophomore class. Football practice begins early in an effort to continue the path of last season's success. A committee of the Interfraternity Council presents their ideas for freshman involvement. In previous years, rushing agreements prohibited fraternity members to communicate with first year men; leading to a feeling of isolation from the rest of the campus.

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Dickinsonian, May 6, 1949

Dickinson College Band to play open-air concert; community sing to be part of concert. High School seniors to compete for Trustee Scholarships. Student musicians Robert Johannes and Joseph Rosenthal present concert in Bosler Hall. Pi Beta Phi wins Songfest competition. New plans for rushing have been presented to the faculty. Student Senate proposes fraternity-based scholarship plan to help foreign students study in the US. Little Theater's Othello opens. Concerns and complaints about Carlisle are addressed by student William Jordan.


Dickinsonian, October 14, 1993

A student is arrested outside of Morgan carrying a loaded firearm. The student is believed to have been planing on returning to Phi Kappa Psi with the gun. Tri-Delta is renewed with a large pledge class of 34. The college celebrates National Coming Out Day. Nine Dickinson students studying abroad in Moscow hold up well among recent violence between supporters of Boris Yeltsin and hard-line Communists in Parliament. Dr. George Woodwell came and spoke to students about environmental issues and was the recipient of this year's Priestley Award.


Dickinsonian, February 2, 1984

The Board of Trustees increases tuition by 8% for a total of $11,040 for tuition, room, and board. National public relations firm Hill & Knowlton has been hired by President Banks to help position the college as a more prestigious and top liberal arts college. Presidents of the college's ten fraternities, members of the Interfraternity Council, and members of Dickinson's administration met for an all-day retreat on January 23rd to help improve relations between fraternities and administration.

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Dickinsonian, October 28, 1976

The Board of Trustees voted unanimously "in favor of implementation of the proposals put forth by the Task Team on College/Fraternity Relations." There are more articles discussing the Presidential race between Jimmy Carter and President Gerald Ford. The Central Pennsylvania Consortium offers Dickinson students a chance to study abroad in Colombia for a semester at the Universidad Bolivariana. College President Sam Banks awards the class of 1921 the annual 'Dickinson Fund Loyalty Award', accepted on behalf of Paul R. Walker '21.

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Dickinsonian, October 11, 1968

George Wallace debate draws various reactions from overflow crowd. Speakers at Fraternity Criticism Symposium urge fraternity reform. IFC Senate liaison Mike Bloom levels attack at Dickinsonian. Dave Totaro reflects upon touring Hubert Humphrey's Pennsylvania campaign with Sue Storer, four other college students, and Muriel Humphrey. Upcoming renovation of East College discussed.

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