Dickinsonian, March 20, 1953

After an absence of five months, the Dickinson Mermaid was restored to her place atop Old West. Upcoming concert by the Little Orchestra Society. Details on Inter-Fraternity Weekend. The possibility of summer school at Dickinson College is currently being discussed. The Intercollegiate Conference on Government elected Carl Skinner of Dickinson College to the position of Chairman of the I.C.G.'s Central Region. Judge Florence Allen is interviewed at Dickinson. Profile on Dickinsonian Elizabeth Middleton.


Dickinsonian, March 13, 1953

The Union Philosophical Society will host the Intercollegiate Conference on Government's Central Regional Convention. York Barbel Company to give a weightlifting exhibition in the Alumni Gym. Dr. Paul Rufus Burkholder receives the Dickinson College Priestley Award. Dr. William F. Hufstader presents a gift to fund a College theater.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, June 4, 1949

Young People's Fellowship accepted to the Student Christian Association of the Middle Atlantics Region. Hester Cunningham '29 featured in art exhibition over Commencement Weekend. Faculty approve changes to Social Rules for women, extending curfews and extended permissions. John Shumaker to head All-College Social Committee. Year's social events highlighted. International Relations Club helps organize Pennsylvania Association of International Relations Clubs. Secretary of the Treasury John Wesley Snyder to receive honorary doctorate, deliver commencement speech to largest class yet.


Dickinsonian, May 6, 1949

Dickinson College Band to play open-air concert; community sing to be part of concert. High School seniors to compete for Trustee Scholarships. Student musicians Robert Johannes and Joseph Rosenthal present concert in Bosler Hall. Pi Beta Phi wins Songfest competition. New plans for rushing have been presented to the faculty. Student Senate proposes fraternity-based scholarship plan to help foreign students study in the US. Little Theater's Othello opens. Concerns and complaints about Carlisle are addressed by student William Jordan.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1947

The first exhibition of primitive and folk art in central Pennsylvania opens in Bosler Hall, drawing more than 200 people. The Little Theater drama group declares support for a non-affiliated production of Macbeth despite controversy. The Intercollegiate Conference on Government begins drafting a constitution and by-laws. Dr. J. Carter Swaim gives a talk on the translation of the bible into English and the need for a modernized translation. Guatemalan army captain Jose Luis Cruz provides a talk on the culture, history, and geography of Guatemala.
