Dickinsonian Newspaper

Young People's Fellowship

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The Student Social Committee has finished its report on social rules at Dickinson and it will be considered at the next meeting of this committee and the Faculty Social Committee. Parents are especially invited to visit on Mother's Day. More work is put into the plans and preparations of the...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Men's Senate attempts to get rid of politics from student government. Girls hosted their parents for a special church service and banquet for Mother's Day. Harris Green elected the president of next year's Senior class. Freshmen class attempt to get rid of politics in class elections....

Dickinsonian Front Page

Thirty-four students will graduate from the Law School. Former Dickinson president writes history of the college to be revealed in October at the Sesquicentennial Celebration. Sesquicentennial Commencement Program included in this issue. Five alumni get honorary degrees. Library adds 3,000 new...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Science publishes Dean E. A. Vuilleumier's article. Baksetball receives first defeat all year at hands of Gettysburg. German Club plans to attend Wagnerian opera. Young People's Fellowship discusses reasons behind drinking.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Robert Bartley wins 1902 Class Award. Eddie Steele is elected basketball captain. C. R. Walther Thomas speaks to Union Philosophical Society about the state of Germany and Nazism. Omicron Delta Kappa convention held at Dickinson. Professor Mulford Stough speaks to Young People's Fellowship about...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Men’s Senate reduces number of class officers. Omicron Delta Kappa sponsors Sub-Freshman Day. President Morgan issues ultimatum to Eastern Pennsylvania Football Conference. Jewish students present their faith to a meeting of the Young People’s Fellowship. Christina B. Meredith receives Pi Beta...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Eight students participate in Pennsylvania constitutional convention. Mothers' Day activities are planned. May Day and Founders' Day are celebrated. Catholic students present their faith to the Young People's Fellowship. Five female students chosen to wear Junior Sportsmanship blazers.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Alumni ask trustees for impartial investigation into Karl Tinsley Waugh's resignation. An All-College Committee on Religious Affairs is planned. Protestant students present their faith to Young People's Fellowship.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Because of an unusual demand, the Board of Trustees is forced to give more money in student loans. Dickinson graduates are elected to state offices. Skull and Key holds its annual winter formal. Dickinson loses to Franklin and Marshall in basketball. The Dickinsonian elects a new editor...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Charles W. Boote, city judge of Yonkers, New York, plans to speak at Dad's Day program.  Union Philosophical Society elects twenty-four new members.  The Halloween Barn Dance succeeds socially and financially.  The Greek Club is set to re-enact an ancient Greek wedding.  Prof. Mulford Stough...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinson College Religious Association decides to embrace Protestantism, Catholicism, and Judaism as the tree faiths represented on campus, and to restrict membership to only those who demonstrate interest in religion and sign up on the membership roll.  The French Club plans to show the French...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Professor Wellman J. Warner addresses the Upsilon Circle of the Omicron Delta Kappa on the subject of "Leadership in a Free Society."  Belles Lettres and the French Club have Christmas parties.  The Dickinson Women's Choral Club and Allison Memorial Choir present "The Messiah" jointly at Allison...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Fraternities, the All-College Social Committee, and other clubs prepare for the Annual Doll Dance and Doll Show.  Student Senate alters election procedures.  Elmer C. Herber speaks on "The Heart and Its Functions" to Lambda Sigma Pi, the science fraternity.  Belles Lettres initiates new members...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Upsilon Circle of the Omicron Delta Kappa chose five new members to its regular meeting, and elected Christian V. Graf and Leon M. Robinson as the delegate and alternate delegate, respectively, to the national convention of the fraternity.  Dickinson alumn Governor Arthur H. James appointed...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Young People's Fellowship plans a hayride to disprove the rumors that they are a "stuffy" organization. The four women's fraternities pledge forty-three freshmen and transfer students. Dickinson is asked to take part in the Civilian Pilot Training Program which will allow students of the...

Dickinsonian Front Page

A shake-up of Dickinson's intramural system is under consideration by the Intramural Director which will reduce the number of intramural teams with hopes of students participating in different activities instead of intramural sports and in response to the slightly low number of participants in...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Sororities gain new members as bids were accepted. The Dickinsonian will be involved in a nation-wide Student Opinion Surveys of America which will try to compile data on student's opinions (the first question will be "Are you for or against changing the neutrality laws so that American...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Committee recommends that college end its policy on extra-curricular activities requiring participation with limits on number of activities as student may participate with. The thirty-one students arrested last week have each been ordered to pay a fine of $1.62. Dickinson's first all-college...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Metzger Hall will revise its constitution in the coming year. Wheel and Chain continues its book drive for the Negro Community Center in Carlisle that formally opened on October 26. New mandatory class, "How to Make Good in College," created for Freshmen. Nation wide poll discovered that most...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Alpha Sigma Gamma, the honorary journalistic fraternity, taps two new members. President Corson encourages students to read more often. An article outlines the schedule for the new freshmen class "How to Make Good in College." Dickinson students campaign for J. Pearson Miller for burgess of...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The second annual Parents' Day, originally Dad's Day and extended last year to include both parents, is also being called Family Day in the hopes that a student's entire family will join in the festivities. A Student Opinion Surveys of America poll came out saying that most college men want to...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Lambda Sigma Pi elects eight new members. Union Philosophical Society to discuss "war aims" in their next meeting. A Student Opinion Surveys of America poll reveals that three of every five women are volunteering with civilian defense activities, but less than three of ten men, not already in...

Dickinsonian Front Page

More plans for Pan-Hell Week are being made, especially for the Pan-Hell Dance. A group of students is going with Prof. Fink to the 7th Annual Debaters Conference at State College. Defense stamps will be given when Kappa Sigma hosts its annual Spring Formal rather than corsages. Student Opinion...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Colonel Mathews brought in to teach the 'Pre-Induction Training Courses." Two Dickinson graduates begin aviation training. Dr. Landis, professor of Mathematics, dies. College staff member, George Shuman Jr, asks alumni for old issues of the Freshmen Handbook. A national survey discovers that...

Dickinsonian Front Page

A new defense course will be taught at Dickinson. Article on the history of the library. Article about students that left to help with forest fires, but they never found the fires. Article on a historian's opinion on American and war throughout history. Students involved with the Dickinson...


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