Dickinsonian, January 14, 1922

Exhibit on the life and works of Dante. Norman Angell will address the college. Freshmen class rejects the use of an honor system during examinations. Announcement of the annual Sophomore Hop. Announcement of a stunt night. Madame de Vilaine lectures the French Club in Harmon Hall. Dr. Lewis S. Mudge will speak at the next Y. M. C. A. meeting. Orchestra club returns from a strike. Kappa Sigma entertains a Bible class. W. H. Loban is awarded a "D". Dr. Vogt speaks. Robert C. Young obituary. Professor Rosenberger speaks to the Mohler Scientific Club.


Dickinsonian, December 10, 1921

Creation of the National Student Committee for the Limitation of Armament. The College Social Committee's plans for an all school event. Colonel Stanley Dunbar Embick addresses the college. Annual doll show. Article on Antonio Andrea Arrighi. Phi Delta Theta has an informal. Professor Baumgartner gives a health talk. French Club meeting. Chi Omega entertained Pi Beta Phi and Phi Mu. Formation of women's honorary society, Theta Omicron.


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Dickinsonian, March 5, 1920

Intercollegiate debating team defeats Bucknell and Penn State.  Harmon Literary Society defeats Union Philosophical Society in a debate concerning co-education at Dickinson.  French Club celebrates Washington's birthday.  Phi Mu initiates new members.  Philomel Club (women's glee club) to perform. 



Dickinsonian, November 7, 1925

The second annual Parents and Alumni Day is a great success. The Theta Chi fraternity has purchased 270 West High Street to be used as a fraternity home. The French Club plans to preform Moliere's "La Grammaire." Dr. Richard Burton delivered a lecture in chapel on the subject of "Modern Tendency in Drama." The football team takes Albright College in a 13 to 6 victory and prepares to meet their arch-rivals Gettysburg. Dickinsonians attend an east central Pennsylvania conference on the World Court. The College celebrates Halloween with a Dance.

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Dickinsonian, October 31, 1925

Dickinson ties Muhlenberg College 0-0 in a rainy football match.  Marthues Dougherty wins the award for best cheer handed into the cheer contest committee. Professor Richard Burton will deliver a lecture as part of a series of Chapel entertainments. The college prepares to celebrate Parents' and Alumni Day. The Interfraternity Council plans to revise rushing rules. Women's Basketball practice will begin. Pledge day for women's fraternities will be held in the coming week.

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Dickinsonian, October 10, 1925

The football team opens their season with a game against Lebanon Valley ending in a 6-6 tie. Dickinson has been chosen to hold the twenty-first annual Student Volunteer conference of the colleges and seminaries of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey.  Revisions are made to the plan for first year / fraternity interacting to require that each fraternity send 1-3 representatives to every other fraternity on their night for entertainment. Both the Christian Fellowship Group and the French Club receive their largest attendance ever this year.

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Dickinsonian, October 3, 1925

Despite cold weather, the Annual College Picnic is a great success. The Belles Lettres Society received a letter from well-known minister and author Henry Van Dyke. The Interfraternity Scholarship Cup is presented to Phi Kappa Sigma. A meeting of the Interfraternity Council rejects the proposed arrangements for first year / fraternity interactions. A more moderate proposal calls for a series of gatherings in the college gymnasium where freshman will be the guests of fraternities. A novice tennis tournament is held to discover talent for next season's team.


Dickinsonian, May 17, 1924

Professor Earnest A. Vuilleumier invents a solids hydrometer, to be used in determining the specific gravity of solid substances. The Board of Trustees authorizes the drawing up of architectural plans for renovations to the college's dormitories and the building of a new gymnasium. New events to be featured during commencement are outlined, designed to include significantly more alumni involvement than in previous years. The French Club presents its two plays in Metzger Hall to overwhelmingly good reviews.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1924

Professor Leon C. Prince loses the race for the Republican party's congressional nomination. The joint senate committee produces a tentative constitution for their new joint student senate. Dickinson hosts a field day for 600 Cumberland county public school students. Two female students will attend a national conference of the YWCA. The French Club announces that it will produce two plays in May on the life of the French people.The track team suffers its first defeat in three years, losing the Haverford 67 to 59.


Dickinsonian, April 15, 1937

The Microcosm announces its newly revised staff. At a faculty meeting, it is decided that students with an average 90% and higher will be granted an unlimited number of absences, given that they maintain their A average. The Dramatic Club presents its newest show, a comedy entitled The Royal Family. A student calculates the statistical chances you will have at any given time of the day to succeed at getting a call through to one of the young ladies at Metzger Hall.

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Dickinsonian, February 18, 1937

Robert L. Myers gives a talk on the newly enacted Social Security Act and unemployment in the country. After buying the adjacent properties, Dickinson plans to enlarge Biddle Field. The Debate Team schedule is posted. Fraternities and Sororities induct new members. In an effort to make peace between the two schools, an article suggests that Gettysburg students be allowed to attend Dickinson’s Junior Prom. The French Club holds a Winter Tea Dance. The Social Service Club works on mending books for a Salvation Army library.


Dickinsonian, December 15, 1938

Fraternities, the All-College Social Committee, and other clubs prepare for the Annual Doll Dance and Doll Show.  Student Senate alters election procedures.  Elmer C. Herber speaks on "The Heart and Its Functions" to Lambda Sigma Pi, the science fraternity.  Belles Lettres initiates new members in ceremony.  Union Philosophical Society to give a cup to the winner of an All-College Oratorical Contest.  French Club holds its Christmas party at the S.A.E. house.  Eight teams remain in inter-fraternity debate contest.  Col.


Dickinsonian, December 8, 1938

Professor Wellman J. Warner addresses the Upsilon Circle of the Omicron Delta Kappa on the subject of "Leadership in a Free Society."  Belles Lettres and the French Club have Christmas parties.  The Dickinson Women's Choral Club and Allison Memorial Choir present "The Messiah" jointly at Allison Memorial Church.  Tau Delta Pi gives one-act play before Dramatic Club.  Miriam Saint Warner sings at chapel services.


Dickinsonian, November 17, 1938

Dickinson College Religious Association decides to embrace Protestantism, Catholicism, and Judaism as the tree faiths represented on campus, and to restrict membership to only those who demonstrate interest in religion and sign up on the membership roll.  The French Club plans to show the French film "Mayerling."  Tau Kapp Alpha fraternity sponsors an interfraternity debate tournament.  Two men join Lambda Sigma Pi, the scientific fraternity.  Dean Hoffman, editor-in-chief of the Harrisburg Patriot and Evening News  and a graduate and trustee of Di


Dickinsonian, April 29, 1949

President Edel to tour Israel with American Christian Palestine Committee delegation. Dr. Elmer Charles Herber's paper on pregnancy tests conducted on frogs to be published by Pennsylvania Academy of Science. International Relations Club delegates attend largest Model UN conference at University of Rutgers. Twenty-five delegates will attend the Intercollegiate Conference on Government in Harrisburg, where the Dickinson delegation is expected to dominate. International Relations Club to host open picnic at Pine Grove. Lincoln University President Dr.

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Dickinsonian, March 25, 1955

In conjunction with Religion in Life Week, the Mermaid Players are presenting a mortality play called "Everyman." There will be a trip for political science students to Washington DC. The French Club will be taking a trip to Philadelphia to see an opera; all interested parties are invited. President Edel is meeting with national leaders to discuss and learn about U.S. global strategy. Phi Mu and Sigma Chi are playing each other in a basketball game to raise money for the new Student Activity Center.
