Dickinsonian, October 27, 1909

Halloween Masquerade Carnival to raise money for the band is to be held.  The Music department to hold its annual concert.  Philadelphia Club initiates its new members.  The Geology class, under the direction of Dr. and Mrs. Mohler, take a field trip to Boiling Springs.  Sophomores take trip to Mt. Holly.


Dickinsonian, October 20, 1909

Masquerade Carnival to be held for Halloween.  The Music Department to host a musical.  New alumni page a great success so far.  Comus Club to hold its first dance.  Rhodes Scholar D. R. Porter addresses the YMCA.  Phi Kappa Sigma celebrates Founders' Day anniversary with ride to Dillsburg. 

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Dickinsonian, October 31, 1925

Dickinson ties Muhlenberg College 0-0 in a rainy football match.  Marthues Dougherty wins the award for best cheer handed into the cheer contest committee. Professor Richard Burton will deliver a lecture as part of a series of Chapel entertainments. The college prepares to celebrate Parents' and Alumni Day. The Interfraternity Council plans to revise rushing rules. Women's Basketball practice will begin. Pledge day for women's fraternities will be held in the coming week.

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Dickinsonian, October 17, 1925

Though casts as the underdog, the football team slays Villa Nova in a 13-2 victory.  The College plans a Halloween Party. First year / Fraternity plans are voted down again, with the next proposition being to hold a series of smokers. Professor Herbert Wing, Jr. Debating Coach at Dickinson, is elected president of the Pennsylvania State Debating Association. The American Irish Historical Society will hold an essay contest on "The Irish Chapter in American History." Dickinson's football team is praised by a Philadelphia Paper.


Dickinsonian, November 9, 1944

Three new professors added to faculty. Ban on varsity basketball is lifted, with ten games scheduled throughout the semester. Faculty-student social committee organized. Dickinson College Dramatic Club becomes The Little Theater. College Health Center is created. Calendar of Campus Activities proposed. Halloween Party held.

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