Dickinsonian, November 9, 1944

Three new professors added to faculty. Ban on varsity basketball is lifted, with ten games scheduled throughout the semester. Faculty-student social committee organized. Dickinson College Dramatic Club becomes The Little Theater. College Health Center is created. Calendar of Campus Activities proposed. Halloween Party held.

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Dickinsonian, April 30, 2004

Health Center looking to make it easier to secure an appointment amidst a rise in demand as a result of sexual health appointments. Kappa Alpha Theta wins sixth Lip Sync contest. Dave Coulier performs on campus. Student research links nicotine and depression during the Dickinson College Research Symposium. Students attend the March for Women's Lives in Washington, D.C.

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Dickinsonian, February 5, 1981

Flu outbreak overloads Health Center. President Sam Banks offers non-credit course on magic for second year. "Senior Night in Carlisle" held at local restaurants and bars. All-campus Study Group on Minorities created over concern of decline in the number of minority students. Bruce Wall, Dean of Residential Services, is appointed new director of alumni relations. Malfunction in sprinkler system at Kline Center leads to almost an inch of water covering many areas. United States Army Field Band and Soldiers' Chorus gives rousing performance at Kline Center.

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Dickinsonian, April 18, 1991

For Earth Week, DARE stresses environmental resourcefulness. Common Hour speaker Peter Montague discusses toxic waste problems. Rape is discussed at Health Center. Housing Board grants different living arrangements for Sigma Chi and Phi Kappa Psi. Dana Stuchell of Animal Rights Mobilization presents on factory farming as part of Earth Day festivities. Mermaid Players perform "Six Characters in Search of an Author." Robert Koller presents photography project. Buffy Arnold performs senior recital. Faculty flutists Beth Bullard and Mary Hannigan perform. Comedian Rich Hall performs in ATS.


Dickinsonian, February 28, 1991

Gulf War-inspired Silent Vigil for Peace takes place at town square. Health Center notes increased illness among students. Controversy over Senior Class President Mark Broadhurst resolved. 1991 Multicultural Fair and Black/African American Arts Festival begin. Men's basketball team advances to NCAA playoffs. Common hour speakers focus on U.S. refugee policy. Stephen Katz elected as Student Senate Vice President. College club examines Greek life. Peggy Reeves Sanday to lecture on date rape. Dance Theatre Group interprets popular songs. Independent Choreographers Exchange to perform.
