Dickinsonian, April 8, 2015

Dickinson will be sending 176 students abroad next fall semester, the Relay for Life raises money and awareness for those fighting cancer, assistant professor of History Doctor Crystal Moten receives a place on the list of "40 Under 40 Professors Who Inspire," sorority Kappa Alpha Theta hosts Cakes for CASA, Rachel Smith '16 and Anastasia Putri '16 receive the Emily R. and Tamar Weiss Prize. 


Dickinsonian, February 6, 2013

Massey's is now open year-round, members of Kappa Alpha Theta travel to Swarthmore College to help re-establish a chapter there, the Relay for Life organization is participating in a competition called February Frenzy, a new training center called Durden Center begins construction, and ArtWorks community service group gains steam. 

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Dickinsonian, November 5, 2008

Relay for Life to be held. Comments about the increase in internet speed. Article on Barack Obama's presidential victory. Changes to the orientation committee. Nichole Fernandez is named the Reserve World Champion at the International Friesian Showhorse Association's Grand Nation and Worlds Competition. The African American Society, Kappa Alpha Theta, Sigma Lambda Beta and Kappa Alpha Psi host a Masquerade Ball. Article on holograms. Walkin' Jim Stoltz will perform at the Carlisle Theater. Men's cross country takes first place in the Centennial Conference.

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Dickinsonian, March 8, 2007

Three minority Greek organizations inquire about possibly gaining chapters at Dickinson. These organizations include Kappa Alpha Psi, Sigma Lambda Beta and Delta Sigma Theta. Once again, the applicant pool for admissions reaches a record high and the acceptance rate drops to 42%, making Dickinson more elite. The Zatae Longsdorff Center for Women donates over 25 years' worth of documents to the college archives, extending the college's collection of materials relating to women's history at the school. Kappa Alpha Theta and Multi-Organizational Board host a benefit concert.


Dickinsonian, April 30, 2004

Health Center looking to make it easier to secure an appointment amidst a rise in demand as a result of sexual health appointments. Kappa Alpha Theta wins sixth Lip Sync contest. Dave Coulier performs on campus. Student research links nicotine and depression during the Dickinson College Research Symposium. Students attend the March for Women's Lives in Washington, D.C.

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Dickinsonian, April 25, 1991

College to focus on issue of diversity in re-accreditation process. Common Hour discusses AIDS and students. SASC (Student Affairs and Services Committee) examines freshmen little sister rush. Former President Howard Rubendall dies. Living Colour plays at Kline. Pres. Fritschler creates Commission on the Environment. Trout Gallery displays studio art students' work. Collegium Musicum performs Renaissance pieces. Kappa Alpha Theta and Theta Chi win Greek Week lip sync contest. Amoroso Strings gives concert. Seniors Heather Stewart, Tod Matha, and Karen Beaver give recitals.

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Dickinsonian, December 4, 1997

Adviser to "Dante's Peak" to deliver the 'Science and Hollywood' lecture. Sisters of Kappa Alpha Theta "ride the HUB nuts" to raise money for leukemia patients. College community voices its support for the newly approved Center for Public Speaking. Student Senate impeachment of one of its members sparks controversy. Freshman plays set to open on the weekend. The Dickinsonian celebrates "125 years of excellence". Kwanzaa celebrated early at Dickinson College.


Dickinsonian, September 2, 1982

The college adds a fifth sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, after almost a year of discussion on whether or not to add another sorority. Once again the college faces over-enrollment, but Admissions director Larry Mench proclaims that due to room adjustments there will be no artificial crowding. The new Arts Center is set to open six months early and will open with a Dickinson Arts Award show. The Washington Redskins have held their twentieth training camp at Dickinson this past summer.


Dickinsonian, October 31, 1985

Tri-Delta or Delta Delta Delta has become Dickinson's sixth sorority. A group of academic professionals, headed by Nancy Mellerski, are set to examine the College's investments. BACCHUS (Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students) is sponsoring Alcohol Awareness Week as part of a nationwide event. Beta Theta Pi's fraternity pole-sits for charity, Alpha Chi Rho raises money for Big-Little through a picnic and Kappa Alpha Theta raised funds for the American Cancer Society.

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