Dickinsonian, December 4, 2013

The 2013 Fall concert proceeds without an opener, sports and science both join the media board, the 11th annual Diversity Monologue Contest celebrates the power of student voices, and Issei teams up with a Dickinson Alum's non-profit organization Inspirational Medicine. 


Dickinsonian, November 20, 2013

Author Keith Boykin talks color and homosexuality, Dickinson's Sustainable Investments Task Force discusses Dickinson's sustainable initiatives, alumni Andrew Hyde '81 discusses government position and stabilization operations, Student Senate evaluates new D-Park shuttles, and Professor Crispin Sartwell discusses rethinking our political ideologies. 


Dickinsonian, November 6, 2013

Dickinson College earns Fulbright distinction, Sue Coe accepts the College Arts Prize, President Nancy Roseman discusses Dickinson's direction during a Senior Club Event, MOB assuages rumors about the Fall Concert, and Thanksgiving and Hanukkah to occur on the same day this year. 


Trickinsonian, October 31, 2013

The Dickinsonian publishes a prank issue containing news of Childish Gambino & One Direction replacing Chiddy Bang & Timeflies, Senate shuts down but students fail to notice, phallic art coming to a library near you, a new Biology Class titled "Life Creation," and finally an introduction to quinoa. 


Dickinsonian, October 30, 2013

Relay for Life kicks-off, Stephanie Balmer leaves the position as dean of admissions, Errol Huffman begins as new Head of Dining Services, Timeflies play alongside Chiddy Bang during MOB's 2013 Fall Concert, and the Dickinsonian interviews Ted Neeley. 


Dickinsonian, October 9, 2013

Noreen Lape and Lucile Duperron discuss writing in culture shock, sports club council takes off, a successful Harvest Fest held at the Dickinson College Farm, Loren Samons and Brendan McConville discuss how the Athenian democracy affected the post-Revolution American government during the Roberts Lecture. 

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 4, 2013

Dickinson College ranked second in the Sierra Club's annual Top Ten Cool Schools. Clarke Forum hosts a standing room only panel discussion on What's Next in Syria. Irish poet and Stellfox winner Seamus Heaney dies at age 74. Wellness House moved from Matthews House on Mooreland Ave to the fourth floor of 25/27.


Dickinsonian, April 11, 2013

Delta Nu philanthropic event "Mr. Dickinson" changed its name to "Best of Dickinson." Lecturers discussed the hot debate of Gay Marriage Rights in the U. S.. Dickinson established an LBGTQ Safe Zone training program. Dickinson remembered the Holocaust. Spring concert headliner Andy Grammer visited and performed at Dickinson. 

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 7, 2013

MOB announces Spring performers Andy Grammer and Parachute. Subway opens on High Street. Dickinson's Students Promoting an Active Network of Kinky Knowledge (SPANKK) club is started. The English department spends a night with its students a the Cogan Dinner. Makenzey Orcel speaks at Dickinson. 

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 20, 2013

Deli Creations plans to reopen under new management. LBGTQ mentorship program announced. Students protest Keystone Pipeline. The Dance Theater Group shows their support for rape victims. ROTC holds a blood drive. Dickinson's Quidditch team gains traction. Men's Track sets a new record. 
