Dickinsonian, November 14, 1996

Concerns rise after two students are struck by cars in crosswalks on campus. Controversy over the move of the Special Collections archive from the May Morris Room to the library's new addition. Details on Sexual Assault Awareness Week activities and goals. Professors begin using the Internet to connect their classes to other universities and to create an interactive classroom. Article on students' study abroad experiences in Toulouse, France. Men's Cross Country ends the season well, and senior Jon Coldron advances to nationals. Football defeats Gettysburg.


Dickinsonian, September 5, 1996

Philanthropist and financial donor, Mary Louise D'Olier Shuman passed away recently in Carlisle. Residence halls are equipped for cable and internet. Associate Professor of Classical Studies, Mary Moser passed away over the summer in Carlisle. Professor of Comparative Civilizations, Vytautas Kavolis passed away over the summer while conducting research in Lithuania. The Clarke Center is bringing the 3rd Annual Pennsylvania Environmental Congress to the Dickinson campus. Article describing the Convocation ceremony. Footballer Matt Bixler receives his fifth preseason All-America Award.

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Dickinsonian, November 5, 2008

Relay for Life to be held. Comments about the increase in internet speed. Article on Barack Obama's presidential victory. Changes to the orientation committee. Nichole Fernandez is named the Reserve World Champion at the International Friesian Showhorse Association's Grand Nation and Worlds Competition. The African American Society, Kappa Alpha Theta, Sigma Lambda Beta and Kappa Alpha Psi host a Masquerade Ball. Article on holograms. Walkin' Jim Stoltz will perform at the Carlisle Theater. Men's cross country takes first place in the Centennial Conference.

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Dickinsonian, April 22, 2000

Hate emails addressed. Will Napster be banned at Dickinson? New senior formal policies unveiled. ROTC unveils spring field training exercise. Drinkinsonian: Durden's Double Life. Look at those sexy legs. Bate Noice's best beer quotes. Telescope in need of repairs. Dickinson needs a new dress code. God Bless Grab-N-Go Synchronized swimming team to go to Sydney Olympics, Mercy River to play depot. Medea shakes Mathers Theater.
