Drinkinsonian, April 22, 2000
The annual spoof issue, The Drinkinsonian, is full of satire and parody.
The annual spoof issue, The Drinkinsonian, is full of satire and parody.
Students have mixed feelings about the new class registration system. Wildlife at the Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary and Field Laboratory is being harmed by an overpopulation of deer. Alcohol Awareness Week is this week. Ashley Myers and Allyson Ayers write an article about turnitin.com, the new online way that teachers can see if their students have plagiarized. The editors editorial questions the purpose of the various physical renovations happening to Dickinson's campus. Students are interviewed about their views on whether affirmative action could be used to bring men to campus.
Limestone Ventures, a new club on campus aimed at promoting self-starting businesses, held an entrepreneurship forum in ATS on October 25th. A group of students in an Oceanography class plan to head to the Bahamas in January to do research. The Clarke Center plans to hold a 3-day celebration of Irish literature starting on November 9th. Residents of Drayer Hall reacted angrily to a sixty-minute video on rape and men's fantasies shown in the Weiss Center on October 23rd. The editor writes an editorial criticizing the effect that new class registration policies will have on seniors.
Edward O. Wilson claims Priestley award for biodiversity. Res-Life takes a stand on alcohol awareness. College to host PA U.S. Senate debate between Sen. Rick Santorum and Rep. Ron Klink. Prowler still evading capture.
Public safety steps up security measures. RA's fired for strip club incident. Sylvan center open for business. "No Witness" tried in ATS to raise sexual assault awareness. Palestinians speak out. Radiohead gets airtime. High Fidelity highly humorous. Rusted Root to land in Carlisle Oct. 21. Athletes get a lecture.
College hosts community event in response to KKK rally. Sexual assaults reported on campus. Prowler targets campus. Campus social space nearing completion. Recycling at 20%. Napster use limited. Bookstore features lower prices. Common Hour to feature Chinese art and politics. CAEC evicts president. Sydney 2000: Olympic games hit a few snags.
Construction costs covered by bond issue. Flex plan upgraded. Visibility key to college's success. Politicians running for the 19th congressional seat to debate at ATS. Laundry prices criticized. Power rip plays at the Depot. Three cheers for "Bring It On".
President Durden welcomes students to the school year. Class of '04 more national. Freshman seminars, interesting and helpful. Campus features new dorm, walk space. Band "mouths" off Tuesday. Everclear learns to smile.
Campus to get a new dorm and social space. Grads moving on. College honors Eleanor Cogan. Student Senate president sworn in. College to open Sylvan Learning Center. WDCV broadcasting online. ROTC Cadets commissioned. Mike Scanish jumps to All-American honors for track. Club Lacrosse getting it together. Greek life to undergo changes in 2000. It's synch or swim in Sydney for the Drinkinson Synchro team.
Hate emails addressed. Will Napster be banned at Dickinson? New senior formal policies unveiled. ROTC unveils spring field training exercise. Drinkinsonian: Durden's Double Life. Look at those sexy legs. Bate Noice's best beer quotes. Telescope in need of repairs. Dickinson needs a new dress code. God Bless Grab-N-Go Synchronized swimming team to go to Sydney Olympics, Mercy River to play depot. Medea shakes Mathers Theater.
Alum snatches college web name. Fake tickets to Wyclef Jean minimal. Student Senate and administration approve new social space with snack bar. Greek life to undergo changes in 2000. Student senate letters of intent for 2000-2001. Earth week events set. Cogan Fellows share experiences. Dean Betsy Emerick to retire in June. Wyclef gets his groove on at ATS. Freshman to invade Depot. DTG preparing for concert.
Wyclef Jean tickets sell out. Would you choose Dickinson again? College to offer film studies minor. Bookstore prices to drop next year. College honors area high school teachers. WDCV: It's out there. Step into the Mermaid Player's production of "The Blue Room". The Oscar gods speak. March Music Madness. Who's playing D III? No time for spring athletes.
"Citizen" Song ready to return to work. Most students skip PAS. Antonio Banderas not speaking at commencement. Many object to new rule tying grades to housing. Telescope for the new science building delivered. Ping Pong rioters appeased. New college logo selected. Math Professor receives NSF grant. H2K, Hamlet performed on campus by Mermaid Players. Tattoos leave their mark on campus athletes.
College celebrates Yongyi Song's return. Violence on campus sparks concern. President Durden unveils new strategic plan (full text printed). PAS kicks off human rights 2000 campaign. The new science building remains unfinished due to inconsistent laborers. The 1885 cartouche moved to a location outside Bosler Hall. Student-curated vessels exhibit opens in Trout Gallery. Pat McGee band rocks ATS.