Dickinsonian, April 20, 2001

Actress Julie Harris came to Dickinson to receive the Dickinson College Arts Award at the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on April 9th. The Dickinson College Physical Plant and the Student Senate Grievance Committee made changes in their student service policies in attempt to improve their service quality and efficiency. At a press conference on April 19th, officials from the Washington Redskins and Dickinson College announced that the Redskins would be practicing at Dickinson for summer training camp. Members of Dickinson's sorority community hosted a Carlisle Community Easter egg hunt.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 2000

"Citizen" Song ready to return to work. Most students skip PAS. Antonio Banderas not speaking at commencement. Many object to new rule tying grades to housing. Telescope for the new science building delivered. Ping Pong rioters appeased. New college logo selected. Math Professor receives NSF grant. H2K, Hamlet performed on campus by Mermaid Players. Tattoos leave their mark on campus athletes.


Dickinsonian, April 15, 1993

Holocaust survivors and their relatives touch the lives of students. Holocaust exhibit portrays horror and devastation. Reading program succeeds in Carlisle elementary schools. Will alcohol violations soon mean the loss of financial aid? Wallets loosen as White Hats bring 200 bucks to Big/Little. Senate budget leaves some groups hungry. The heat is on! Spring fever hits the campus. Community service better for grade point average. Mermaid Players meet success with The Rimers of Eldritch. Room draw and other college fairy tales.
