Dickinsonian, March 30, 2006

The Quarry revamps its ordering system, allowing students to fill out an order form with an order number for their sandwich. This eliminates long lines and crowds of standing people and instead lets them sit and wait for their food. 192 Dickinson students are accepted into Dickinson programs and partner programs to study abroad for the 2006-2007 school year. At least 90% of those who apply to study abroad are accepted.

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Dickinsonian, September 12, 2003

Apology issued to former Dean George Allan by Associate Dean Jo Anne Brown over article by David L. Kirp critiquing Dickinson in the 1990s. Usage of the Quarry discussed. File Sharing at Dickinson examined. The Corigliano Quartet visits campus. Professor Steven Lichtman serves one year in Political Science department; Jorge Sagastume serves as visiting professor in Spanish. New Trout Gallery exhibit on Grace Hartigan.

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Dickinsonian, March 29, 2002

Professor Marco Biagi is shot and killed in Bologna, Italy in an attack attributed to the Red Brigade. Christian Muniz '98 announces his candidacy for the 199th State Legislative District. Foreign films to be shown in the Quarry. First annual Dickinson PossePlus retreat to Mount Aetna held.

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Dickinsonian, October 25, 2002

Literature Film Association holds annual conference at Dickinson. William Flynn is Clarke Center speaker and Benjamin Rush Award recipient. Quarry becomes more popular due to advertising. Students studying in China are allowed to live with host families for first time. Survey finds Dickinsonians opposed to unilateral action against Iraq. Hillel sponsors Rick Recht Band. Dickinson Society of Physics Students launches Physics and Astronomy Conversation Series. Profiles of Jennifer Blyth and William G. Durden. Football reaches record of 2-4.

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Dickinsonian, April 20, 2001

Actress Julie Harris came to Dickinson to receive the Dickinson College Arts Award at the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on April 9th. The Dickinson College Physical Plant and the Student Senate Grievance Committee made changes in their student service policies in attempt to improve their service quality and efficiency. At a press conference on April 19th, officials from the Washington Redskins and Dickinson College announced that the Redskins would be practicing at Dickinson for summer training camp. Members of Dickinson's sorority community hosted a Carlisle Community Easter egg hunt.


Dickinsonian, February 9, 2001

A new social space was opened for students on the corner of Louther and College Streets. There are an abundance of opportunities for students to work on campus. 50 freshman participated in the Emerging Leaders Retreat over winter break. Six students selected nineteen paintings by artist Ralston Crawford for the newest exhibit at the Trout Gallery. Adam Ferullo writes a column about the auspicious first two weeks of George W. Bush's presidency. Rick Recht, a Jewish rock musician, played at the Depot on Saturday night. Five students were asked their best and worst Valentine's Day gifts.


Dickinsonian, September 24, 2000

College hosts community event in response to KKK rally. Sexual assaults reported on campus. Prowler targets campus. Campus social space nearing completion. Recycling at 20%. Napster use limited. Bookstore features lower prices. Common Hour to feature Chinese art and politics. CAEC evicts president. Sydney 2000: Olympic games hit a few snags.


Dickinsonian, April 8, 2000

Alum snatches college web name. Fake tickets to Wyclef Jean minimal. Student Senate and administration approve new social space with snack bar. Greek life to undergo changes in 2000. Student senate letters of intent for 2000-2001. Earth week events set. Cogan Fellows share experiences. Dean Betsy Emerick to retire in June. Wyclef gets his groove on at ATS. Freshman to invade Depot. DTG preparing for concert.
