Dickinsonian, September 20, 1989

Extra. Student Senate, IFC and Panhel organize campus-wide sit-in to protest Senior Management Group's decision to limit kegerator use. Students call into question the governance of the College.


Dickinsonian, September 12, 2003

Apology issued to former Dean George Allan by Associate Dean Jo Anne Brown over article by David L. Kirp critiquing Dickinson in the 1990s. Usage of the Quarry discussed. File Sharing at Dickinson examined. The Corigliano Quartet visits campus. Professor Steven Lichtman serves one year in Political Science department; Jorge Sagastume serves as visiting professor in Spanish. New Trout Gallery exhibit on Grace Hartigan.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 10, 1994

Rebecca Walker hosts a presentation on "Becoming the Third Wave," a rally to modern advances in feminism. The Student Senate looks into establishing an honor code. Delta Delta Delta hosts a seminar promoting crime awareness. Hank Nuwer gives a presentation on the dangers of hazing based on his book Broken Pledges--The Deadly Rite of Hazing. The library installs five Macintosh computers. The college examines the future of ROTC. Dean Allan discusses declining enrollment and grade inflation in a revealing interview.


Dickinsonian, December 9, 1993

10-15 students will participate in February graduation. Sigma Chi fraternity hosted recovering alcoholic and founder of Collegiate Consultants on Drugs and Alcohol Mike Green, who talked about the dangers of excess drinking and drugs. Dean Allan announces his decision to resign from his administrative position, though he plans to continue teaching philosophy. Parking on Campus is deemed difficult and costly by students. Students from Toulouse wish a Merry Christmas. Men's basketball continues to be very inconsistent. The Ice hockey team continues to do well.


Dickinsonian, March 17, 1983

The faculty suspended the Nisbet Scholars program for a semester, citing the influence of the Freshman Seminar program and lack of available faculty as reasons for the suspension. Acclaimed writer Jorge Luis Borges is slated to speak at Dickinson. The 12-hour Whole Earth House Dance Marathon raised over $1,000 for cancer research. Sally Rooney, a clinical psychologist and lecturer on the presence of anorexia in American society, spoke on Monday night at an event sponsored by Effort. Dean George Allan proposed strengthening the academic curriculum at Dickinson.


Dickinsonian, February 24, 1983

College elects Senate officers (Bill Sapoch, Kurt Krauss, Pete Dahlin), Repositioning includes changes for football, poor attendance to Black History Program, Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow Milton Lyon speaks at lecture, Dean of the College George Allan speaks about college-preparation, EPA buys homes in Missouri, Professor Gary D'Lamater denied tenure, Annabella and Bow Wow Wow performs in Harrisburg, Dance concert "Bits of Broken Glass and Other Pieces" in Mathers Theatre, Coro Stelutis, choir from Bologna Italy performs, Ice Hockey rematch scheduled, Discussion of JV sports, Men's basket

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 20, 1986

The Board of Trustees appointed Dean George Allan to act as President of the College until a candidate is decided upon. The Nisbet Scholars program is once again unavailable, even after a three-year hiatus, due to lack of faculty participation. The Science Fiction-Fantasy Club is in its second year on campus and has been expanding. The start of the men and women's swimming team has optimistic outlooks.


Dickinsonian, March 1, 1984

Student Senate Polls opened for elections and info on each candidate is provided. A merger proposed by Dean Allan between the Academic Standards and the Admissions and Financial Aid Committees is currently under debate by the Long Range Planning committee as such a merger would lower student representation. The Instructional Media Center is demolished and relocated to Bosler basement and ideas are proposed for a replacement. Sen. William Proxmire will deliver the keynote address for Dickinson's Mock Presidential Convention. Distinguished Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai will present on campus.


Dickinsonian, November 17, 1977

In this edition, the two social organizations on campus, the Student Independent Organization (SIO) and the Committee for Social Alternatives (CSA) are called upon to create more opportunities for students to socialize on campus. College President Sam Banks and Dean George Allan will be teaching a course together called, "Persons: Philosophical Roots of Psychological Theory." A large article focuses on the College's music scene, showing that the Hermitage, the Adams Basement coffeehouse, has been hosting different musicians every weekend.


Dickinsonian, September 23, 1976

Dean George Allan decides to remain as College dean for another year, rather than resume his full-time professorship with the philosophy department. Professor Ned Rosenbaum, coordinator of the Judaic Studies program, resides in Israel with his family for the year and studies at Israel University. Soccer is becoming more popular on campus, across the United States. More discussion on the "Task Force on Social and Residential Life" committee.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 6, 1976

Poet Robert Kelly spends week at College. In a Denny Hall ceremony, Prof. Roland Fletcher is promoted to Major in the US Army. College Dean George Allan proposes changes in tenure and faculty development policies. College plans self-study in regards to Title IX law. Student Committee for Social Reorganization organizes Roster Boycott to gain "a more equitable living situation." The upcoming Public Affairs Symposium receives a special supplement.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 22, 1974

Prof. Richard Wanner announces resignation from Dean of College position; Prof. George Allan accepts his place. Students now favor the Nitschke Resolution on off-campus housing over the Berman Resolution. The Public Affairs Symposium (PAS) features Ramsey Clark. New Birth is to perform in ATS. In the Social Hall, a panel of environmentalists will discuss "Man's attitude towards his environment." Pres. Rubendall will convene the newly-formed Presidential Selection Committee. Roy Cohn defends Pres. Nixon at the PAS. The Friends of Benjamin Rush organization forms.


Dickinsonian, October 12, 1973

Prof. George Allan of the Academic Program Committee (APC) drafts proposal to install "4-J-4" calendar system at College. Shelley Wright, Dickinson's first female athletic trainer, is highlighted. In Witwer Hall, the Women's Program Committee meets to plan future activities. McKenney Hall to be dedicated during Parents' Day. George Gekas speaks on Campus. WDCV waits for FCC authority to broadcast FM.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 20, 1973

Daniel Bechtel presides over the Civil Religion Symposium. Vocalist Mary Somerville and Darby McKenzie, pianist, are to perform at ATS this Sunday. Charles Olson will discuss Waste Water Management at the College. The Environmental Policy Committee submits a proposal to Pres. Rubendall that recycling be institutionalized at the College. Rock groups Geneva and Gunga & The Dins "delight" a "sparse" audience. Jane Frankel shows "excellence" in her vocal recital. Other speakers from the Symposium are highlighted.

Dickinsonian, November 12, 1971

Dean of College bans pets from campus. Prof. George Allan's "Rage of Aquarius" sermon is presented. Christopher Parkening to perform classical guitar concert. Members of administration, faculty, students, and others to create case study in order to "examine the College's progress over the past 10 years." Drug Education Committee schedules weekend of activities. The George P.A. Healy portrait of James Buchanan is moved to library. Concert Choir and Orchestra to perform Mozart. "Those Hog Ridin' Fools" review The House of Pizza. Carlisle's Farmers Market receives a photo essay.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 15, 1968

The Agency for International Development held an interview with President Rubendall and Editor-in-Chief of the Dickinsonian David Totaro, during which Totaro was allowed to see the inside of the "White Building" next to South Campus. AID confirmed that the building was being used as a safe house for the Agency should a national security emergency occur. The Cultural Affairs committee is set to present the folk duo Ian and Sylva at the Gymnasium on Wednesday, March 20. Thomas Fornwalt will direct The Follies April presentation of "Kiss Me Kate".


Dickinsonian, March 1, 1968

The Faculty are set to vote on calendar revisions, which many students oppose. W.H. Auden is slated to receive the Dickinson College Arts Award during a March 5th celebration. Some women helped police catch an intruder into Sellers Hall. The Mermaid Players production of "The Rivals" introduced novel set design. WIC introduced the "Non-Honor Code" to institute rules for all women not involved in the Honor Code. Dickinson is set to buy an original Pablo Picasso print. Prof. George Allan will deliver a sermon at the College Chapel.


Dickinsonian, October 20, 1967

Campus Chest, Dickinson's only charitable organization, opens its funding drive with Luau. The student body prefers a fall delivery of the Microcosm. Faculty Frantics, led by Prof. Henry Yeagley, are scheduled to perform this night. Dickinson is set to host the regional Workshop of the United States Student Press Association. Kana Van Pelt of Fairbanks, Alaska, describes her experience in the Fairbanks flood of 1967.


Dickinsonian, May 12, 1967

The Impressions and Drifters highlight IFC Weekend. Sigma Alpha Epsilon's honor system experiment discussed. Ford Foundation Challenge Program chairman James Shepley announces $200,000 gift from the Sumner Drayer (Class of '02) estate. Prof. George Allan scrutinizes Jan Plan. Newly-opened Malcolm Hall experiences flaws as its residents experience frustration. Librarian Yates Forbis plans student-faculty "book walk" to stock new library shelves. Prof. Donald Marleski and Jon Sholle produce "Ojancau" film which will premier next Thursday. Economics Prof. William Cage gives resignation.


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1967

Dr. George Beadle receives Priestley Award. Swim team retains Middle Atlantic Conference College Division title. Four fraternities remain on probation for rush weekend incidents. Keeble College Prof. Nicholas Zernov to speak in Memorial Hall. This summer, Profs. George Allan and Merle Allshouse to direct first annual Philosophy Institute. Open meeting in Union will allow students to view possible curriculum changes. Slated to speak in chapel is Indian scholar Bishop James Mathews. Robert Bailey elected Independent Student Organization president. Prof. K.


Dickinsonian, February 17, 1967

Alpha Epsilon Pi seeks chapter establishment at Dickinson. Mongo Santamaria and band to highlight the inaugural International Weekend and Valentine Weekend. Students and faculty to decide policy for fraternity rush. Dr. George Allan to give a critique sermon of previous sermon - "Death of God" by Dr. Thomas Altizer. Geology Department installs Rennie Museum in Althouse Science Building.


Dickinsonian, March 20, 1964

Faculty approves "5-5-4-4" curriculum revision. James Brown to perform at Spring Social. Public Affairs Symposium to be held. Students debate U.S.-Vietnam relations. Anthropology and Sociology Club created. Sororities and fraternities focus attention on discrimination. Professors Merle F. Allshouse and George J. Allan advise campus organizations. WDCV plans to open in April. Senior John Taylor awarded Danforth Foundation fellowship. Students recruited for summer Civil Rights work in Mississippi. Lacrosse co-captain Doug McPherson discusses upcoming season.


Dickinsonian, October 11, 1963

The state of Georgia hold Rutgers student on charges of insurrection for trying to register Blacks to vote. A New York theater company perform an Italian drama for a Cultural Affairs program. Dean informs students of new Pennsylvania drinking age law. Ingmar Bergman's acclaimed film, The Seventh Seal to be shown in Bosler. The Freshman Orientation Program is evaluated. Alumni Association to pursue interest in development. New Professor of Philosophy George James Allan emphasizes the importance of Liberal Arts. Problems of the African political system discussed by student.
