Dickinsonian, December 11, 1986

30 students were cut out of a required policy and management class for the major due to a need for a smaller class size. The College's ROTC cadets placed sixth out of fifteen at a Ranger Challenge conference in New Jersey. New administrators have been appointed at the college, Richard Heckman as Financial Aid Counselor, Michael Wolter as coordinator of Administrative Computing, and Kimberlee Renfrew as assistant director of Admissions. The English Department hosted celebrated author, Ernest Herbert. Men and women's swimming has continued success.


Dickinsonian, November 20, 1986

The Board of Trustees appointed Dean George Allan to act as President of the College until a candidate is decided upon. The Nisbet Scholars program is once again unavailable, even after a three-year hiatus, due to lack of faculty participation. The Science Fiction-Fantasy Club is in its second year on campus and has been expanding. The start of the men and women's swimming team has optimistic outlooks.


Dickinsonian, November 13, 1986

Dean of Educational Services, Leonard Goldberg, has announced his move to the University of Richmond. A rumor is cleared up that Phi Delta Theta's house will not be moved to Stuart Hall. Two faculty members boycotted a meeting to discuss divestment, Professors Nancy Mellerski and Thomas Zoumaras. The Volleyball team earned its first ever Mid Atlantic Conference bid.


Dickinsonian, November 6, 1986

The President Search Committee continues to look for a new college president to replace current president Samuel A. Banks. The card catalog at the library has now been computerized and expected to go on line in a few months. David Strine, a student at the college, went on a semester-long voyage at sea through a program called Semester at Sea or SAS. The football team faces a shocking loss to Johns Hopkins University.

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Dickinsonian, October 30, 1986

Dickinson alumnus J. Bruce McKinney is the College's first Executive-in-Residence, which is part of a two-pronged program established by Wilbur Rabinowitz '40 "to promote mutual understanding between the academic world and the business community." Former professor and chairman of the political science department, Donald W. Flaherty, passed away from a heart attack. Sigma Alpha Epsilon participates in a "dry rush" on campus, which was promoted nationally by Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

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Dickinsonian, October 9, 1986

The three-year suspension on Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity has just been lifted this academic year. Stuart Merl, a Carlisle Hospital physician, speaks out about AIDS and denies that AIDS is "a homosexual disease." Professors David Strand and Karyn Hollis are part of the Coalition Against Apartheid, that holds weekly meetings. BACCHUS, an organization on campus that speaks about alcohol on campus, has been trying to take measures to prevent underage drinking.

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Dickinsonian, October 2, 1986

Students discuss a Congressional debate on whether or not to make rural interstate speed limits from 55 mph to 65 mph. Stuart A. Merl, an oncologist at Carlisle Hospital, speaks about "The Ethical Implications of AIDS" on campus. Professor Robert Olmstead has made positive changes to "The Dickinson Review," the literary magazine on campus. Mary Koss, the keynote speaker for Sexuality Education Week, spoke out about rape, "every day seduction" and double-standards in society, which caused quite a stir on campus.

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Dickinsonian, September 25, 1986

John Hershey has resigned as director of resident to take another job at Macalester College. Sexuality Education Week will feature Mary Koss, who travels throughout the country conducting workshops about campus violence. An open forum, sponsored by the College Republicans, discusses the alcohol situation on campus with the students body. Hypnotist James Mapes has once again come to Dickinson to perform his skills on the students.

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Dickinsonian, September 18, 1986

President Sam Banks has decided to take another position at the University of Richmond as their College President. The Alpha Chi Rho fraternity has been renovating their social room's floor. The Campus Activity Board promises more events for the year, more than just the coffeehouse. Dickinson plays host to two exchange students from Bremen, Olaf Andersen and Gerald Sidek.


Dickinsonian, September 11, 1986

Work still continues on the wall surrounding Morgan Field. Several alcohol incidents that ended in hospital trips for freshman students caused the Resident Assistants to create new policies on alcohol use. The dining hall renovations have be put on hold due to limited financial resources and construction happening elsewhere on campus. The Geology and Psychology departments start to move into what becomes known as the Benjamin D. James Center. The year's freshman classes is yet again the largest in the history of the College and also of a higher quality than previous years.


Dickinsonian, May 1, 1986

A survey sent to each student by the "Committee for the Improvement of Student Life" and the results showed that students were disappointed in the social life, maintenance, and the dorm rooms. The geology and psychology buildings' renovations are to be complete by the fall. Students give their opinions on The Dickinsonian, Libya and the Student Senate budget vote. Three Men's Tennis players qualified for the Middle Atlantic Conference: Scott Howlett, Mike Poss, and Dan Kotz.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1986

Greek Week, sponsored by the College's Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils, will raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Women's Track and Field will compete in the Middle Atlantic Conference. The Men's Soccer team has been fundraising for a four-week trip to Australia.

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Dickinsonian, April 17, 1986

The Mermaid Players are successful with their rendition of "The Misanthrope," a Restoration comedy. Professors at Dickinson earn about an average salary compared to other colleges in the area. The Holland Union Building will undergo renovations. The Interfraternity Council passed a College identification policy where fraternities must card every person attending their parties to see whether or not they are Dickinson or non-Dickinson students.


Dickinsonian, April 10, 1986

Two separate car accidents hospitalize students. Eric Saylor hit a bridge abutment and had to be hospitalized. Chris Napoli, Frank Norris and David Ridgeway were in a two-car accident after going through a blinking red light and getting hit by a pick-up truck. The College has a $20 million campaign goal, set for five years, and according to Robert White of the Communications and Development they have around $10 million and three more years to reach the goal. The Women's Swim team places 14th at the NCAA Division III National Swimming and Diving Championships.

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Dickinsonian, April 3, 1986

Duane Michals, a famous black and white photographer, speaks in the Weiss Center. Gamma Phi Beta did not receive enough interested rushees and had to forfeit their pledge class. A new fire alarm system that was installed in Morgan Hall has been waking student residents up on numerous occasions. The baseball team is only a few wins away from succeeding at the Middle Atlantic Conference.

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Dickinsonian, March 13, 1986

A symposium on terrorism attracted at least 250 people, which was sponsored by the Community Relations Committee of the United Jewish Federation of Harrisburg and Dickinson College. Field Hockey coach Carol Cox was relieved of her coaching duties by the College. The newly elected Student Senate officers are as follows: President Ted Martin, Vice-president Nancy Shoup, and Treasurer Mike Erdos. The Follies have decided to cancel their spring show, "A Musical Review," due to the fact that there would not have been enough time to put on a quality show.

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Dickinsonian, March 6, 1986

The Board of Trustees in undecided on whether or not they are willing to help the College divest all or part of a $6 million worth of investments to South Africa. Alpha Chi Rho is in debt to the College $9, 945 due to a lease agreement where each fraternity member is supposed to pay a certain amount and if there are not enough members to fill all the spaces, the fraternity needs to come up with the extra money, and they have not for the past two semesters. Candidates for Student Senate are featured for the election.

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Dickinsonian, February 20, 1986

The annual Public Affairs Symposium has commenced, and features former Massachusetts congressman, Father Robert Drinan. The WDCV radio station received at $14,500 loan to go stereo, and will repay the loan over a five year period. The College plans to remodel Drayer Hall, and through some investigation found that Morgan Hall is just as in need of repair. Sigma Alpha Epsilon violated a code of conduct during Affiliation Weekend and face "social probation."


Dickinsonian, February 14, 1986

"The Visit" play, performed by the Mermaid Players, earns mixed reviews. President Banks calls together a group, made up of the President's staff, Chairmen of the Board of Trustees and Development Finance, Student Affairs Committee, the Educational Policy Committee of the Board and various other faculty and staff members to prepare a second 10-year plan for the College. The national President of the National Organization for Women (N.O.W.), Eleanor Smeal, is coming to speak at Dickinson.

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Dickinsonian, February 6, 1986

Nancy Lindgren, director of the Holland Union Building, and Dean Kremer, Student Senate president, have been clashing over misinformation on when Student Senate elections should be and their discrepancies have caused quite a stir on campus. A sub-committee has been created to examine the College's policies on investments in South Africa. The College's Food Service is working to expand the kitchen and dining hall since the former business manager, Barry Gaal, stated that the preparation area was too small for the College's size.

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Dickinsonian, January 30, 1986

A memorial service was held for students Christine Allison Major, who died of cancer and John Joseph Buonocore, who was killed by terrorists in Rome. Both passed away over Christmas break. Newly elected Inter-Fraternity Council members are as follows: Michael Hoffman, president, Tom Monaghan, vice-president, and Chris Erwin, historian. A number of break-ins over Christmas break totaled to $1,130 worth of damages and missing property. The Liquor Control Board passed a law that limits the Happy Hour policy at bars in Pennsylvania.
