Dickinsonian, February 4, 2016

The 2016 Iowa Caucus watch party draws a large crowd, student activists present the administration with proposals to improve the student experience, the Board of Trustees met with more than 100 students during the annual on-campus meeting, and superstorm Jonas drops 28.6 inches of snow. 

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Dickinsonian, January 30, 2013

Dickinson acquires Allison United Methodist Church for $1.7 million. Dickinson comes up with ways to reduce water bottles on campus with new technologies and policies. The health center prepares for flu season. Students celebrate Inauguration Day. Davidson-Wilson Dorm floods. The Event Advisory Board picks the Student Union Building as its temporary event space. 


Dickinsonian, October 26, 1956

The Student Senate moves to increase its membership. A testimonial to Miss May Morris, recently retired librarian of Dickinson College, to be held. Dickinson finally bipartisan with the forming of College Democrats - College Republicans plan to a rally. Dr. Horace Rogers of the Chemistry Department named chairman-elect of the Southeastern Pennsylvania section of the American Chemical Society.


Dickinsonian, September 17, 2004

This issue includes controversy over Michael Moore's public lecture scheduled for October 6th. Announcement that Ben Folds is scheduled to perform on November 7th. Study Abroad Spotlight on Stephanie Schreiber '05, who studied in Malaga, Spain, her Junior year. New Political Science professor, Crispin Sartwell discusses his first impressions of teaching at Dickinson. Club Spotlight on the College Republicans. Student provides a negative response to Finding Nemo shark display.


Dickinsonian, November 20, 1997

Shoplifting incident compels the Bookstore to seek more elaborate countermeasures against theft. Financial aid spending threatens reserve funds. Nobel Prize winner and former president of Costa Rica, Oscar Arias Sanchez, addresses the college. Students fast to relieve pains of hunger around the world. Common Hour examines local and national effects of welfare reforms. Freshman seminar explores HIV/AIDS issues and aims to educate the campus. The college Health Center is deemed unfriendly to ailing students. Trout Gallery unveils a new exhibit.


Dickinsonian, November 7, 1984

Dickinson's nascent computer science program suffers from increased incidence of vandalism to computer terminals, thefts. Thousands of dollars of damage done with computer science staff working intently on repairs. Pass-Fail grades reviewed at national level; Dickinson policies on pass-fail investigated. College Democrats and Republicans debate presidential election of 1984 through Union Philosophical Society. Homecoming Weekend a success, opportunity for marking the 100th Anniversary of female students at Dickinson. Gamma Phi Beta sorority win's President's Cup.


Dickinsonian, October 31, 1984

The Dickinsonian wades into the local and national political debate with profiles, analysis, and endorsements. Campaign for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives reviewed, candidates John Broujos and Earl Keller interviewed. The Dickinsonian endorses Walter Mondale for U.S. presidency. College Democrats and College Republicans debate presidential election in print. Democratic Party profiled, lauded. Metzger Series marks 100th anniversary of coeducation at Dickinson with speaker series.


Dickinsonian, October 4, 1984

Snack Bar reopens after delays in renovation push construction into October. Snack Bar exterior still uncompleted as of publish date. Controversy elicited by Red hats, in style similar to those of Wheel and Chain, Raven's Claw, given to campus R.A.s. Hats not to be worn on campus, but are to serve primarily as signs of appreciation. College kicks-off Sexual Education week with Woody Allen movie, speaker series. Dickinsonian editors among those present for briefing of College journalists by Reagan Administration officials.

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Dickinsonian, September 25, 1986

John Hershey has resigned as director of resident to take another job at Macalester College. Sexuality Education Week will feature Mary Koss, who travels throughout the country conducting workshops about campus violence. An open forum, sponsored by the College Republicans, discusses the alcohol situation on campus with the students body. Hypnotist James Mapes has once again come to Dickinson to perform his skills on the students.

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Dickinsonian, September 22, 1983

The Campus Entertainment Board comes under attack from Student Senate Treasurer who questions their use of Senate funds. The College buys Brethren In Christ Church on 301 W Louther Street. The College Republicans and the College Democrats organize and recruit members for the year. Outing Club expects its largest membership ever this year. IM Football begins, but due to a rule change, nine fraternities separate to form a new league called the United Fraternal Football League (UFFL).
