Dickinsonian, January 30, 1997

Russian political figure and head of the Communist Part, Gennady Zyuganov to speak at the Public Affairs Symposium. Dickinson Law merges with Pennsylvania State University. Safety and Security offers a rape defense class. Professor Robert Markley of West Virginia University addresses the global environmental issue during Common Hour. Senior Holly Shaginaw breaks an Indoor Track record. Men's Basketball wins their sixth straight game, beating King's College. Basketball Coach Dave Frohman records his 100th career win.


Dickinsonian, September 19, 1996

Elizabeth Dole, wife of Republican presidential nominee Robert J. Dole, is to speak at the Kline Center. A new major in International Business and Management is being considered. Former Connecticut Governor Lowell Weicker spoke at Common Hour about the relevance of the Constitution in today's society. Professor of Physics, Priscilla Laws receives the Robert A. Millikan Award for the development of the Workshop Physics program. Rush Scholarships will be added to the financial aid package. Profile on Mike Helm, Director of Purchasing and Auxiliary Services.


Dickinsonian, May 7, 2004

Secretary of the Smithsonian Lawrence Small to give commencement speech at Graduation. Class of 2008 breaks record for highest percentage of international students enrolled at Dickinson. The number of reported sexual harassment incidents rises, according to Dickinson Public Safety figures. The Corigliano Quartet ends three-year tenure as artists-in-residence. Common Hour topic deals with terrorism and the acceptability of torture.


Dickinsonian, January 31, 2003

Public Affairs Symposium focuses on food issues. Controversial film "Bombay" shown at Common Hour. Dickinson receives $4.8 million grant from state for health research. Survey shows extent of alcohol-drinking and marijuana-smoking at Dickinson. Profile of Professor Christofilis Maggidis. Students curate "Images of Transience: Nature and Culture in Art" at Trout Gallery.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 20, 2001

Actress Julie Harris came to Dickinson to receive the Dickinson College Arts Award at the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on April 9th. The Dickinson College Physical Plant and the Student Senate Grievance Committee made changes in their student service policies in attempt to improve their service quality and efficiency. At a press conference on April 19th, officials from the Washington Redskins and Dickinson College announced that the Redskins would be practicing at Dickinson for summer training camp. Members of Dickinson's sorority community hosted a Carlisle Community Easter egg hunt.


Dickinsonian, September 24, 2000

College hosts community event in response to KKK rally. Sexual assaults reported on campus. Prowler targets campus. Campus social space nearing completion. Recycling at 20%. Napster use limited. Bookstore features lower prices. Common Hour to feature Chinese art and politics. CAEC evicts president. Sydney 2000: Olympic games hit a few snags.


Dickinsonian, April 25, 1991

College to focus on issue of diversity in re-accreditation process. Common Hour discusses AIDS and students. SASC (Student Affairs and Services Committee) examines freshmen little sister rush. Former President Howard Rubendall dies. Living Colour plays at Kline. Pres. Fritschler creates Commission on the Environment. Trout Gallery displays studio art students' work. Collegium Musicum performs Renaissance pieces. Kappa Alpha Theta and Theta Chi win Greek Week lip sync contest. Amoroso Strings gives concert. Seniors Heather Stewart, Tod Matha, and Karen Beaver give recitals.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 18, 1991

For Earth Week, DARE stresses environmental resourcefulness. Common Hour speaker Peter Montague discusses toxic waste problems. Rape is discussed at Health Center. Housing Board grants different living arrangements for Sigma Chi and Phi Kappa Psi. Dana Stuchell of Animal Rights Mobilization presents on factory farming as part of Earth Day festivities. Mermaid Players perform "Six Characters in Search of an Author." Robert Koller presents photography project. Buffy Arnold performs senior recital. Faculty flutists Beth Bullard and Mary Hannigan perform. Comedian Rich Hall performs in ATS.


Dickinsonian, April 11, 1991

Student Senate President Sonya Lin and administration reflect on term. Laura Croghan, Stephen Katz, and Joe Cardinale chosen as new Senate officers. Sen. John Heinz's unexpected death leaves void for Commencement speaker. Groups (Sigma Chi, Phi Kappa Psi, and the Multicultural House) appeal recent Housing Board verdict. Common Hour features panel discussion of post-war repercussions in Gulf. Underclassmen find frustration in new pre-registration system. College outlines 10-year Campus Plan to guide it into next century. Roger Manning and King Missile perform in ATS.


Dickinsonian, April 4, 1991

New Senate resolution restricts Concert Committee selection process. Rape Awareness Week features various events, including upcoming panel discussion. Class pre-registration method revised. Housing Board decides next school year's SDLC locations. English major redesigned for this year's freshmen. Roberta Hall speaks at Common Hour about gender inequality in classrooms. Former College administrator George Shuman, Jr. passes away.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 8, 1990

Evaluation of campus security conducted over the summer, changes to follow. Common Hour enters its first full semester of activity. Biddle House to be used as an office and meeting space. Poet Sonia Sanchez reads selections from her various works in the Weiss Center. Mermaid Players perform in their fall production of "Les Liaisons Dangereuses". Dalai Lama addresses crowd at the University of Pennsylvania. "Plan 2000" calls for the building of a new residence hall amongst other changes to campus structure.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 5, 1998

William G. Durden, the first presidential candidate, visits College campus. SASC (Student Affairs and Services Committee) letter latest in ongoing campus debate following the "March Against Hate". Curriculum reform in high gear - course requirements may be reduced. Student Senate condemns SAE sanction. College eliminates $300 preregistration fee. Financial aid adds Judy Carter. School reformist Bill Ayers speaks at Common Hour. Lovebone performs on Drayer Porch. Shippensburg hosts MTV shindig.


Dickinsonian, November 20, 1997

Shoplifting incident compels the Bookstore to seek more elaborate countermeasures against theft. Financial aid spending threatens reserve funds. Nobel Prize winner and former president of Costa Rica, Oscar Arias Sanchez, addresses the college. Students fast to relieve pains of hunger around the world. Common Hour examines local and national effects of welfare reforms. Freshman seminar explores HIV/AIDS issues and aims to educate the campus. The college Health Center is deemed unfriendly to ailing students. Trout Gallery unveils a new exhibit.


Dickinsonian, October 23, 1997

President Fritschler announces retirement; Crime wave hits campus; College opens new field lab for science students; "Millennium bug" discussed; The Dickinsonian goes online; WDCV gets revamped; Sexual Assault Awareness Week calls students to action;


Dickinsonian, September 11, 1997

College looks for ways to solve student parking problem; Alcohol violation numbers increase; College relaxes Dean's List requirements; Kenneth Starr to speak; Brenda Bretz named new registrar; Freshmen live in study lounges due to oversized class;


Dickinsonian, April 6, 1995

Investigation into election violation postpones Senate elections. Pres. Fritschler and others field questions at Town Meeting. Common Hour lecturer Paula Gregory discusses genetic research. Writers Ana Castillo, Helena Maria Viramontes, and Roberta Fernandez to participate in symposium on Latina and Chicana literature. Poet Harryette Mullen presents in Denny. Historian Louis Montrose speaks in Memorial Hall. College Republicans attend Rush Limbaugh Show. German Department celebrates tenth anniversary of partnership with University of Bremen.


Dickinsonian, March 9, 1995

Senate recognizes Dickinson chapter of Students for a Free Tibet. ROTC sponsors blood drive in Social Hall. As part of Alcohol Awareness Month, speakers talk on alcohol issues. Producer David Haugland speaks at Common Hour panel on homosexuality. College to participate in Pew Higher Education Roundtable. Exhibit of Haitian photography and art displayed at Trout Gallery. Film Society merges with Campus Activities Board. In Rubendall Recital Hall, Janice Hamlet stresses role of black feminist thought as part of Women's History Week. Blue Lou Marini to perform in ATS.


Dickinsonian, February 9, 1995

Dean Mench leaves College after 21 years. Robert Novak speaks at the Dickinson School of Law, critiques Clinton. Mermaid Players, College to put on a production of Sondheim's 'Into the Woods'. Job outlook for college grads brightens in 1995. Common Hour looks at the honor code, discusses its pros and cons.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 29, 1994

Student leaves College after harassment and alleged attack due to his sexual orientation. Parents' Weekend brings victories and activities. Students patrol campus to make it safer. Common Hour discusses O.J. Simpson trial. ODK taps 17 new members. Clarke Center sponsors community, campus events. College offers Environmental Science major. Career Center helps seniors find jobs.


Dickinsonian, March 31, 1994

As Student Senate elections draw near, candidates state their intentions. Officer of a citizens action group on handgun control, Sara Brady will be the speaker at this years commencement. Professor Clint Sprott, this year's winner of the Glover Award, discussed "The New Science of Chaos" in a common hour address. Leading Mexican presidential candidate Colosio is assassinated. John Miller, vice president of AHEDD, discusses the new American Disabilities Act with students. Spielberg wins the first Oscar of his career for Shindler's List. The Men's Lacrosse team is off to a good start.


Dickinsonian, February 24, 1994

Daniel Schorr delivers the keynote speech to this years Public Affairs Symposium entitled "The Trouble with Television--Biting the Hand that Fed Me." Students debate the nature of advertising, using a recent Pepsi commercial featuring a chimp as the topic of discussion. Common Hour sees a continuation if the PAS topic of Media with a discussion on how ethnic stereotypes are portrayed to Americans. A survey given to students reveals their opinions on racism at Dickinson. Graduate school programs become increasingly more selective due to the wavering economy.


Dickinsonian, February 17, 1994

The Sexual Resource Group provides information during Safer Sex Week. Pennsylvania's Abortion Control Act will go into place, mandating counseling and a 24 hour waiting period after that session. A performance of the play "Our Young Black Men are Dying and Nobody Seems to Care" is one of the many events scheduled for Black History Month. The Mermaid Players perform a "must see" production of King Lear. The Cultural Affairs Committee funds a performance of Chopin's music by renowned pianist Robert Guralnik. The Music department also presented a concert of Schubert pieces.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 3, 1994

The Lumberyard collapses due to heavy snow fall. The origins of a fire in Quad 4 are questioned. The first Common Hour of the spring features The New Jack Scholars--a group that explores African History through Hip-Hop in Afrocentricity. The topic of the upcoming Public Affairs Symposium is Media: Defining the American Dream. The College will celebrate Black History Month throughout February with multiple events. The Men and Women's basketball teams loose momentum after the break.


Dickinsonian, September 30, 1993

President Clinton attempts to fix the health care system with a bill that will provide health care to the uninsured. Paleontologist Mark Norell speaks during Common Hour on his recent digs in Mongolia. Writing Director at Brown University Tori Haring-Smith leads a discussion on writing across the curriculum. Russian President Boris Yeltsin dissolves Parliament. A History of the Carlisle theatre as well as continuing plans for its renovation are presented. The Women's cross-country team sees their winning streak come to an end.


Dickinsonian, March 12, 1992

Alcohol violations increase, committee looks at social life. BYOB forum discussed new party policy. Student Senate discusses academic advising. CBS correspondent Ann Compton to speak at this years commencement. College expands study abroad programs to China. Registrar introduces new registration, implementation to start after spring break. Common Hour lunch to remain free. LEAD raises illiteracy awareness at Common Hour. Habitat for Humanity attempts to expand operations. Profile of Molly Pitcher for Woman's History Month.
