Dickinsonian, October 5, 1933

Athletic Association passes resolution against President Morgan's limitations on number of athletes taken to away games. Men's Senate plans pep rallies. All Dickinson students who applied to medical schools were accepted. Two German exchange students come to Dickinson; interfraternity council chose which two from a pool of five. Sesqui-centennial celebrations planned.


Dickinsonian, February 21, 1924

A survey of 14 students on possible reforms to the Student Senate shows overwhelming support for the creation of a single governing body as opposed to the current two-senate system. The basketball team defeats Washington College 24-9. The Student Senate re-forms to reinvent the way student government is run on campus. The Dean of Women (Josephine Meredith) attends a conference of the American Association of University Women on women in politics. A study shows that 13.4% of Dickinson students go on to attend graduate school.


Dickinsonian, May 13, 1955

The psychology department is conducting experiments regarding motivation in rats. Dickinson is one of the only schools in the country to be doing this, making them a pioneer in the field. The Student-Faculty Curriculum Committee determined that the Graduate Record Examination will not be required for Dickinson graduates to take. The committee is looking into the Area Studies Test instead. An exhibit on Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass is now on display in the library. Senior Howard Davis receives a Falk Fellowship to attend Yale Graduate School for political science.


Dickinsonian, October 15, 1954

The Admissions Test for Graduate School in Business will be offered this coming year as more schools require it for entrance into their graduate programs. Irvine Smith, the Director of Debate at Dickinson, is elected Vice President of the Debating Association of Pennsylvania Colleges. There is a push to change the premise of Parents' Day to highlight the inner workings of a liberal arts college rather than simply have a schedule of events that shows what life is like at the college.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 24, 1994

Daniel Schorr delivers the keynote speech to this years Public Affairs Symposium entitled "The Trouble with Television--Biting the Hand that Fed Me." Students debate the nature of advertising, using a recent Pepsi commercial featuring a chimp as the topic of discussion. Common Hour sees a continuation if the PAS topic of Media with a discussion on how ethnic stereotypes are portrayed to Americans. A survey given to students reveals their opinions on racism at Dickinson. Graduate school programs become increasingly more selective due to the wavering economy.
