Dickinsonian, February 24, 1994

Daniel Schorr delivers the keynote speech to this years Public Affairs Symposium entitled "The Trouble with Television--Biting the Hand that Fed Me." Students debate the nature of advertising, using a recent Pepsi commercial featuring a chimp as the topic of discussion. Common Hour sees a continuation if the PAS topic of Media with a discussion on how ethnic stereotypes are portrayed to Americans. A survey given to students reveals their opinions on racism at Dickinson. Graduate school programs become increasingly more selective due to the wavering economy.


Dickinsonian, November 10, 1983

Problems between Theta chi and Phi Kappa Sigma fraternities have been taken to the Quad Board, who handles inter-fraternal disputes. BACCHUS and Alcohol Education combined to hold an alcohol awareness week entitled "Truth about Spirits." It focuses on responsible drinking. The Student Phonathon opens to raise money for the Dickinson Fund. The presence of American troops in Lebanon and Grenada as well as President Reagan's policies are examined after the recent bombing in Beirut. The use of "date" to mean a social event is discussed.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 4, 1967

Three separate incidents involving violence directed against Dickinson students and personnel by local Carlisle youths occurred over the past week, resulting in new security precautions taken by Dickinson campus police, including a second patrolman for the night guard and two way radios for communication with the Carlisle Borough police. The original mermaid from on top of Old West was returned after being taken to New York by a Dickinson dropout.
