Dickinsonian, November 8, 2001

Special Edition. Anthrax scare in the Holland Union Building leads to the building being evacuated and closed off for several days. Senior Andrew Theodorakis arrested. Meals were served in the Kline Center. Dickinson's ranking among the Top 50 liberal arts colleges rose due to the success of Phonathon. Clarke Center presented a debate on the pros and cons of the Soviet collapse.


Dickinsonian, March 2, 1989

Faculty will vote on whether to retain Nisbet program. Stomach flu outbreak on campus. Phonathon incentives changed. Ethnic clubs host Multicultural and Black Arts Festival. Byers project renamed "The Lumberyard". Junior Angie Fernandez creates "One-to-One" adopt-a-grandparent program. Sophomore Danielle Lamie named Academic All-American. David Frohman becomes basketball coach.

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Dickinsonian, November 10, 1983

Problems between Theta chi and Phi Kappa Sigma fraternities have been taken to the Quad Board, who handles inter-fraternal disputes. BACCHUS and Alcohol Education combined to hold an alcohol awareness week entitled "Truth about Spirits." It focuses on responsible drinking. The Student Phonathon opens to raise money for the Dickinson Fund. The presence of American troops in Lebanon and Grenada as well as President Reagan's policies are examined after the recent bombing in Beirut. The use of "date" to mean a social event is discussed.

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