Dickinsonian, December 14, 2001

New student-run website, DailyJolt.com, begins on campus. Speak of the Devil, an anonymous underground newspaper is distributed on campus, causing controversy. Dickinson Television, DC-TV, begins process of organizing itself. Housing is still a problem on campus. Appropriateness of Christmas Decorations on campus questioned. One act plays performed. Rose Marie Guiraud brings African dance to Carlisle and Dickinson. Dickinson College Public Safety strengthens working relationship with Carlisle Police Department. The Carlisle Diner opens in Carlisle on November 6th.


Dickinsonian, November 30, 2001

Shop lifting problem on campus reviewed. New student organization, Queer Theory, begins on campus. Posse Scholarship gains international recognition. Poetry slam held for the first time on campus. Campus relation and college-wide communication on agenda of Student Senate. Discussion of need for pictures in the lobby of Bosler to be replaced and updated. Crossing Borders program hailed by college as "a new kind of global education." Improvalooza comedy festival held on campus. Women's Cross Country places 23rd in NCAA Championships.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 16, 2001

Greyhound Bus company stops service to Carlisle causing outrage among students. Students complain of overcrowding in HUB. Multicultural Expo held. Dickinson Diplomats, a volunteer program, is reviewed. Women's Soccer end season with loss but several school records. Women's Cross Country Team goes to Nationals.


Dickinsonian, November 8, 2001

Special Edition. Anthrax scare in the Holland Union Building leads to the building being evacuated and closed off for several days. Senior Andrew Theodorakis arrested. Meals were served in the Kline Center. Dickinson's ranking among the Top 50 liberal arts colleges rose due to the success of Phonathon. Clarke Center presented a debate on the pros and cons of the Soviet collapse.


Dickinsonian, October 5, 2001

Geology Department spends previous summer touring western United States. Priestley Award given to John H. Conway, professor of mathematics at Princeton University. The Clarke Center presents a talk on stem cell research. Dickinson alumna Dr. Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie gives talk on spread of comic opera in 18th Century Europe. Public Affairs Symposium hosts sessions on a variety of issues related to sex. Master Sergeant Robin Duane joins ROTC Program. Women's Soccer team achieves record breaking nine-game winning streak.


Dickinsonian, September 21, 2001

Students and faculty unite to cope in the wake of the September 11th attacks. A community gathering was held at the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium. Many opinion pieces were written about the September 11th attacks. Gary Greenberg performs his comedy routine in the Depot. The Goodyear Building is opened for senior housing. The "New Science Building" is renamed "Tome" while the old Tome building is renamed "Stern."


Dickinsonian, September 10, 2001

Theme of college year is "Carpe Dickinson." Freshman orientation changed to include "Orientation Assistants." Seniors Jennifer Moll and Brian McLoughlin win Presidential Scholar Award. President of the American Civil Liberties Union, Nadine Strossen, gives a speech sponsored by the Clarke Center addressing current drug policy and its conflicts with individual civil liberties. The Dickinsonian adds a sport editor and personal ads to the paper. Brazilian band Minas performs. Senior basketball players Matt Shaffer and Tony Beers win gold in the Arafura Games in Australia.


Dickinsonian, May 18, 2001

College celebrates one year anniversary of the New Science Building and Telescope. Admissions visiting program for admitted students a success. Interest in Hillel re-surges. Tome will undergo renovations to house Global Education and East Asian Studies. Alumnus mixes running, coaching, and the internet with new website. The Carlisle Unity Celebration receives an leadership award for the event. The Posse Foundation will start a scholarship program on campus in Fall 2001. Production of Clue at the Cubiculo a success. Mandy's coffeehouse very popular on Friday nights.


Dickinsonian, May 4, 2001

Springfest occurred, met with good weather and mixed reactions from the student body. The first annual Deli Night was well-attended. Keith Rodgers and Skip Stevenson are doing a 50-hour radio marathon for autism. A lip syncing contest capped off Greek week 2001. The Student Senate held their last meeting of the year. Morgan Hall won the Freshman Olympics. Adam Ferullo reviews President Bush's first 100 days in office. A poll of students reveals that most freshmen are pleased with Dickinson, but that half of them have considered transferring.


Dickinsonian, April 20, 2001

Actress Julie Harris came to Dickinson to receive the Dickinson College Arts Award at the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on April 9th. The Dickinson College Physical Plant and the Student Senate Grievance Committee made changes in their student service policies in attempt to improve their service quality and efficiency. At a press conference on April 19th, officials from the Washington Redskins and Dickinson College announced that the Redskins would be practicing at Dickinson for summer training camp. Members of Dickinson's sorority community hosted a Carlisle Community Easter egg hunt.


Dickinsonian, April 6, 2001

President Durden announces the graduation speaker for this year, Dr. David Kessler, M.D. Women's Studies earns a status as an official major. The borough of Carlisle is discussing putting in street-level flashing lights at the high street cross walk between the Weiss Center and the main campus. Dr. Mark Gilbert will come to campus to discuss the upcoming General Elections in Europe. An editorial criticizes the signs in the HUB featuring famous Dickinson alumni. Adam Ferullo writes a column on President Bush's decision to federally fund faith-based initiatives.


Dickinsonian, March 9, 2001

Recipients of the Cogan Fellowship returned to Dickinson on February 26 and 27 to discuss their career paths. The Office of Residential Life distributed a packet to students detailing the changed housing selection process. Rami Khouri and Ilan Peleg debated in the "Prospects for Israeli-Palestinian Reconciliation" event which took place on March 1. The debate gave the impression that reconciliation between Israel and Palestine was not far away. The student senate discussed changes in Greek life on February 27th.


Dickinsonian, February 23, 2001

John Walsh, host of America's Most Wanted, was the keynote speaker for the Public Affairs Symposium on Crime and Punishment. Several sexual assault incidents on campus have raised public safety concerns among the Dickinson community. The Center for Public Speaking will be eliminated after this year. Congressman Curt Weldon is set to receive the Benjamin Rush Award. Five students are asked about President Durden's reason for wearing a bow-tie. Adam Ferullo writes a "good-bye" column to President Bill Clinton.


Dickinsonian, February 9, 2001

A new social space was opened for students on the corner of Louther and College Streets. There are an abundance of opportunities for students to work on campus. 50 freshman participated in the Emerging Leaders Retreat over winter break. Six students selected nineteen paintings by artist Ralston Crawford for the newest exhibit at the Trout Gallery. Adam Ferullo writes a column about the auspicious first two weeks of George W. Bush's presidency. Rick Recht, a Jewish rock musician, played at the Depot on Saturday night. Five students were asked their best and worst Valentine's Day gifts.
