Dickinsonian, November 8, 2001

Special Edition. Anthrax scare in the Holland Union Building leads to the building being evacuated and closed off for several days. Senior Andrew Theodorakis arrested. Meals were served in the Kline Center. Dickinson's ranking among the Top 50 liberal arts colleges rose due to the success of Phonathon. Clarke Center presented a debate on the pros and cons of the Soviet collapse.


Dickinsonian, October 11, 2002

Central Pennsylvania Consortium performs African-American Music Festival at Dickinson. Planning and Budget Committee plans budget cuts. Andrew J. Theodorakis sentenced for anthrax hoax. Princeton Review ranks Dickinson 20th in nation for acceptance of homosexuals and 6th in nation for food quality. Common Hour announced for discussion of Pornography Club. Brandon Corbit makes National Bobsled and Skeleton Team. Jocelyn Bell receives 51st annual Priestley Award. Administration bans sale of cross country team's longstanding provocative t-shirts.
