Dickinsonian, April 26, 1990

Filmmaker Spike Lee speaks at Bucknell University to an audience of close to 1000 people including 15 from the College. The Kinks perform on campus. Police shut down Greek Week event due to the unregistered presence of alcohol. A campus wheelchair experiment finds that much of the campus is inaccessible to handicapped students.

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Dickinsonian, May 4, 2001

Springfest occurred, met with good weather and mixed reactions from the student body. The first annual Deli Night was well-attended. Keith Rodgers and Skip Stevenson are doing a 50-hour radio marathon for autism. A lip syncing contest capped off Greek week 2001. The Student Senate held their last meeting of the year. Morgan Hall won the Freshman Olympics. Adam Ferullo reviews President Bush's first 100 days in office. A poll of students reveals that most freshmen are pleased with Dickinson, but that half of them have considered transferring.


Dickinsonian, April 13, 1995

Examination of reprinted classroom material underway. Honor code proposal earns Senate approval. Carlisle ex-con Willie Nesmith's release causes campus anxiety. Students travel to D.C.'s Rally For Women's Lives. Writers Helena Maria Viramontes, Ana Castillo, and Roberta Fernández speak at College's first Chicana/Latina Writer's Symposium.


Dickinsonian, April 22, 1993

Greek Week hopes for happy, happy. Elvis has just left the Concert Committee. Emerick replaces Neuberger as Educational Services Dean. Lessons of Los Angeles; one year later colleges mobilize for activism. Lip-Sync expected to draw its usual crowd during Greek Week. Springfest takes us back to the quad. The silent victims of sexual harassment. Harassment effects Dickinson, too. Weiss Prize winners are a panorama of talent. Miami project benefits from Greek Consortium. Dance Theatre represents "Metamorphosis in Art".


Dickinsonian, April 28, 1983

Miller Beer retracted its sponsorship of Greek Week after they were unable to come to an agreement with the IFC and Dickinson's administration regarding the limits that would be placed on Miller during the week. The Skull and Key Society expressed interest in being reinstated after having been suspended in 1981 for throwing beer kegs through windows of fraternity houses. The Evolutionary biologist Dr. Stephen Gould was given the Priestley Award. The Society of Hispanic Students was founded in response to the growing Hispanic community on campus.


Dickinsonian, April 7, 1983

Jorge Luis Borges opened his symposium on Wednesday night by giving a lecture on the poetry of Emily Dickinson and engaging the audience with a question and answer period. Yale's Insider's Guide to the Colleges drew negative responses from Dickinson's administration after the guide claimed that alcohol and "dope" were a large part of Dickinson's social scene. Professor Robert Dunn is offering a summer course in New York City regarding trends in writing and publishing.


Dickinsonian, April 24, 1985

College's phone system profiled, notes system changes on the way. Greek Week draws crowds in support of Greek life and the United Way once again. Professor Fred Petty's station wagon covers mileage equal to that of distance between Earth and Moon. Celebration planned. WDCV seeks to keep pace with new age of radio, increasing its wattage and station music selection. Computers once again targets of vandalism. Dickinsonian editorial board criticizes computer vandalism, reviews new phone system plan. Arts House production of "Shadow Box" on its way to campus audiences.

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Dickinsonian, April 5, 1984

Phi Kappa Sigma may lose their charter. Plans are made for renovations to the snar. Dr. Hubert Alyea receives the Priestley award. Brazil is the focus of the Latin American colloquium. The College plans construction of townhouses. Dickinson holds a preliminary round for the college bowl competition. Greek week commences. The men's track team opens the season. Three women's swim team members gain all-American status.


Dickinsonian, September 19, 1969

The Student Affairs Committee will deal with disputed Social Rules between students and Deans by hearing individual appeals. President representatives from each woman's dorm have come together to form the Women's Presidents' Council to stay consistent on social rules and regulations such as curfews. A document compiling and interpreting the "Rights and Limitations on Speech and Assembly" has been distributed by the Dauphin County Legal Service Association.

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