Dickinsonian, October 28, 2010

Global Education is developing new summer abroad programs. Vargas Llosa, a past Stellfox winner, receives the Nobel Peace Prize for Literature. Club Ice Hockey claims their first victory of the season with a win against the University of Maryland. Women's Soccer continues success and breaks records. Cross Country performs well at Gettysburg and Penn State and prepares for the upcoming Centennial Conference.


Dickinsonian, September 24, 2009

Poet Maxine Kumin receives Stellfox Award. Sexual assault reports prompt an administrative meeting. Global Education offers a new semester option in Bologna, Italy. Library Information Services begins switch from Blackboard to Moodle education system. The Weekend Initiatives Group joins Multi-Organizational Board. Football remains undefeated. Men's Soccer defeats Wilkes University. Cross Country dominants the Long/Short Invitational.


Dickinsonian, April 12, 2002

Mermaid reinstalled on top of the Old West cupola. Global Education tuition hike is dispelled as a rumor. National Volunteer Week will be celebrated on campus with many events planned. Dickinson Symphonic Band's spring concert held in Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium. Cogan Alumni Fellowships held for the benefit of English Majors. The Mermaid Players put on their production of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.


Dickinsonian, February 8, 2002

New Global Education Program set up in Galapagos Islands. Andrew Theodorakis, the student responsible for the anthrax scare on campus, faces federal charges and life in prison. Postings on DailyJolt website regarding the unrest between Israel and Palestine cause controversy on campus. Zatae Longsdorff Center for Women expands its role on campus. V-Day, based on the Vagina Monologues, becomes new event recognized by Dickinson. Love life at Dickinson is reviewed.


Dickinsonian, May 18, 2001

College celebrates one year anniversary of the New Science Building and Telescope. Admissions visiting program for admitted students a success. Interest in Hillel re-surges. Tome will undergo renovations to house Global Education and East Asian Studies. Alumnus mixes running, coaching, and the internet with new website. The Carlisle Unity Celebration receives an leadership award for the event. The Posse Foundation will start a scholarship program on campus in Fall 2001. Production of Clue at the Cubiculo a success. Mandy's coffeehouse very popular on Friday nights.
