Dickinsonian, April 12, 2002

Mermaid reinstalled on top of the Old West cupola. Global Education tuition hike is dispelled as a rumor. National Volunteer Week will be celebrated on campus with many events planned. Dickinson Symphonic Band's spring concert held in Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium. Cogan Alumni Fellowships held for the benefit of English Majors. The Mermaid Players put on their production of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.


Dickinsonian, March 29, 2002

Professor Marco Biagi is shot and killed in Bologna, Italy in an attack attributed to the Red Brigade. Christian Muniz '98 announces his candidacy for the 199th State Legislative District. Foreign films to be shown in the Quarry. First annual Dickinson PossePlus retreat to Mount Aetna held.

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Dickinsonian, March 8, 2002

Body Appreciation Week celebrated on campus. Dickinson Model U.N prepares to go to national conference. Dickinson Christian Fellowship hosted its annual Skeptic's Night. Sergeant First Class Matt Eversmann visits and speaks to Dickinson ROTC cadets. United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Louise Frechette gives a lecture on the aftermath of the September 11th attacks. Eating disorders are a larger problem on campus than previously thought. Recent poll shows that many Dickinson students fall asleep in class. Results of student research projects are published.

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Dickinsonian, February 22, 2002

The Clarke Center presents a discussion on the viewpoints concerning capital punishment. Dr. Paul Rozin gives a lecture on the "Fear of Food in America." Campus wide poll reveals that "hook-ups" are more popular than relationships. 42% of Dickinson students found to use tobacco products in recent poll. Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy Windsor A. Morgan in tenured. Dickinson's 2nd Annual Student Research Symposium is held to be a success. Public Affairs Symposium is held over a three-day period bringing many guests to campus to discuss Sex and Social Issues.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 8, 2002

New Global Education Program set up in Galapagos Islands. Andrew Theodorakis, the student responsible for the anthrax scare on campus, faces federal charges and life in prison. Postings on DailyJolt website regarding the unrest between Israel and Palestine cause controversy on campus. Zatae Longsdorff Center for Women expands its role on campus. V-Day, based on the Vagina Monologues, becomes new event recognized by Dickinson. Love life at Dickinson is reviewed.


Dickinsonian, December 6, 2002

Author Rick Moody reads and speaks on campus. College announces "Globally-integrated" terms for study-abroad in January and summer. Profiles of Professors Walt Woodward and B. Ashton Nichols. Jim Breuer performs at Carlisle theatre. Octals, Syrens, D-Tones, and Rockapella perform. Callie Bradley named Cross Country All-American. Ice Hockey makes bid to become varsity sport.

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Dickinsonian, November 22, 2002

Ethics symposium "Public Places, Private Spaces" discusses privacy vs. national security. Profile of Theodore Pulcini. Dickinson College Model UN Club holds John Dickinson High School Model United Nations conference. Women's cross country wins Mideast Regional Championship with large thanks to Callie Bradley. Men's Soccer visits Holland, Germany, Belgium. Ice hockey defeats Mount Saint Mary's 6-1.


Dickinsonian, November 8, 2002

Students unaware of option for breath analyzer tests administered by Department of Public Safety. Dickinson Speech and Debate Team holds second annual Red Devil Speech and Debate Tournament. ROTC attends Field Training Exercise for Blue Mountain Battalion. Dickinson eliminates community experience graduation requirement. Dickinson College Television announces new show, "On Second Thought". Student discusses food disposal policy of cafeteria; Dickinson Garden uses cafeteria scraps for compost. Pi Beta Phi and Umoja joint-sponsor Apollo Night. ROTC attends Ranger Challenge.


Dickinsonian, October 25, 2002

Literature Film Association holds annual conference at Dickinson. William Flynn is Clarke Center speaker and Benjamin Rush Award recipient. Quarry becomes more popular due to advertising. Students studying in China are allowed to live with host families for first time. Survey finds Dickinsonians opposed to unilateral action against Iraq. Hillel sponsors Rick Recht Band. Dickinson Society of Physics Students launches Physics and Astronomy Conversation Series. Profiles of Jennifer Blyth and William G. Durden. Football reaches record of 2-4.

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Dickinsonian, October 11, 2002

Central Pennsylvania Consortium performs African-American Music Festival at Dickinson. Planning and Budget Committee plans budget cuts. Andrew J. Theodorakis sentenced for anthrax hoax. Princeton Review ranks Dickinson 20th in nation for acceptance of homosexuals and 6th in nation for food quality. Common Hour announced for discussion of Pornography Club. Brandon Corbit makes National Bobsled and Skeleton Team. Jocelyn Bell receives 51st annual Priestley Award. Administration bans sale of cross country team's longstanding provocative t-shirts.


Dickinsonian, September 27, 2002

Administration upset about an American Prospect article, "The Little Student Went to Market", that criticizes Dickinson's admissions process. New class schedule developed to make better use of technologically advanced classrooms. U.S. News and World Report names Dickinson 44th best liberal arts college in U.S. for second time in two years. Summary and critique of U.S. declaration of war in Iraq. Fifth annual Christopher Roberts Lecture Series. Limestone Ventures is hopeful for a successful year. Men's soccer does well. Sarah Eshelman is best soccer player in Dickinson's history.


Dickinsonian, September 13, 2002

Ben Blutstein, alumnus, killed in Hebrew University bombing. Richard Rischar, Kathy Black, Dave Lohman, and Judith Rudge participate in Rolling Requiem to memorialize first anniversary of September 11th attacks. Debate about effects of September 11th attacks on America. Water conservation contest between residence halls. Dance and theater department moved to Montgomery House; irksome ramp built into house. Robert Renaud discusses spacial organization improvements to Waidner-Spahr Library proposed by Space Use Task Force, including relocation of Writing Center.
