Dickinsonian, December 6, 2002

Author Rick Moody reads and speaks on campus. College announces "Globally-integrated" terms for study-abroad in January and summer. Profiles of Professors Walt Woodward and B. Ashton Nichols. Jim Breuer performs at Carlisle theatre. Octals, Syrens, D-Tones, and Rockapella perform. Callie Bradley named Cross Country All-American. Ice Hockey makes bid to become varsity sport.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 29, 1992

Election day preview. Carlisle streets struck by wave of drug crimes. H. Ross tells America to get with the "Perot-gram". Three way race heads for finish. College needs to reassess its handicap accessibility. This year's congressional election dubbed "The Year of the Woman". Grace Jarvis and Student Senate clash over student representation. Voter participation at record high. Moscow trip didn't make students Communists. Bush and Clinton debate education. Carlisle Theatre's revitalization plan underway. Campus Rock the Vote succeeds.


Dickinsonian, September 30, 1993

President Clinton attempts to fix the health care system with a bill that will provide health care to the uninsured. Paleontologist Mark Norell speaks during Common Hour on his recent digs in Mongolia. Writing Director at Brown University Tori Haring-Smith leads a discussion on writing across the curriculum. Russian President Boris Yeltsin dissolves Parliament. A History of the Carlisle theatre as well as continuing plans for its renovation are presented. The Women's cross-country team sees their winning streak come to an end.


Dickinsonian, October 2, 1964

In this issue, changes in Student Union rules are announced. Three students-Billie Brenn, Barry Warren, and Carol Sue Dry spent eight weeks this past summer as part of Project Africa. IFC holds weekend workshop. Cultural Affairs program to begin season with a chamber music program. Students hold panel discussions on foreign study. Live programs are being transmitted to the Carlisle Theatre via "Electronovision." An article reports the history of Denny Hall. Bosler Hall to exhibit woodcuts by Dan Miller of Philadelphia. Compulsory chapel and assembly programs are debated.
