Dickinsonian, April 8, 1968

This is a special issue of the Dickinsonian, published in response to Dr. Martin Luther King's assassination. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4th, and four articles were written about the assassination in this article. One profiles student reaction, one profiles faculty reaction, one shows town leader reactions, and one discusses Rev. Joseph Washington's views on the future of the Civil Rights Movement. Students and faculty participated in memorial services for King.


Dickinsonian, November 1, 1963

Senate led library sit in succeeds in demonstrating the need for extended hours. Chaplain Joseph Washington addresses the reason for compulsory chapel. Germain Bree delivers lecture on French trends in modern literature. Mermaid Players to soon sell tickets to The Courageous One. Photo essay of Carlisle life. Crossroads program seeks students desiring to go to Africa. Swiss student Herb Cerutti finds friendly atmosphere. Fraternity quadrangle to be completed before the 1964 academic year. The german department to increase programming for the coming year.


Dickinsonian, October 4, 1963

Chaplain Joseph Washington delivers speech on the difference between integration and assimilation of African-Americans into society. Survey of planned events for Homecoming Weekend. The number of foreign students increases to record levels. First-year students discuss Orientation. ROTC program is questioned. Meaning of graduation gowns' colors explained. Nurse Fink's role on campus discussed. New biology professor, Paul Biebel, specializes in algae and plans new plant biology classes. Marianna Bogojavlensky to teach German and Russian.


Dickinsonian, September 20, 1963

New building to be built for biological sciences with grant from the Longwood Foundation. Joseph Washington, Jr. to become the new chaplain. New social rules outlined. Al Markizon reports on the progress of the Kastenmeier Bill on Civil Rights. Campus undergoing major construction. Freshmen Orientation undergoes changes. N. Ronald Pease assumes role of Dean of Men; David Jefferson assumes role of Dean of Admissions. Harold McElhaney assumes position as new head coach of wrestling, assistant football coach, and lacrosse coach.


Dickinsonian, May 7, 1965

New college church targets students unsure about their beliefs. Lyndon B Johnson crowns daughter queen of Azalea Festival despite ongoing issues concerning the Dominican Republic and Vietnam. Professor William Wishmeyer is writing a book recalling some interesting people he met during his career. Professor Daniel McDonald accepts a grant from the National Science Foundation. Andrew Flew to speak at Dickinson in May. The Highwaymen to perform at Interfraternity Weekend. Local pastors do not challenge students, who therefore do not attend church.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 2, 1964

In this issue, changes in Student Union rules are announced. Three students-Billie Brenn, Barry Warren, and Carol Sue Dry spent eight weeks this past summer as part of Project Africa. IFC holds weekend workshop. Cultural Affairs program to begin season with a chamber music program. Students hold panel discussions on foreign study. Live programs are being transmitted to the Carlisle Theatre via "Electronovision." An article reports the history of Denny Hall. Bosler Hall to exhibit woodcuts by Dan Miller of Philadelphia. Compulsory chapel and assembly programs are debated.
