Dickinsonian, October 31, 1996

Bill Clinton sweeps mock election held at Dickinson. Artists-in-Residence at the College, the Eaken Piano Trio to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York City. Circle K, Alpha Phi Omega, and Student Senate participate in Make a Difference Day, a national day of service. Detailed articles on the upcoming Presidential Election. Profiles on Congressional candidates for District 19. Article on Freshman Jason Morris, who is blind and uses a guide dog. The Men's Cross Country team performed well at the conference championship. Sports Hall of Fame inducts new members.


Dickinsonian, March 26, 2008

Former President Bill Clinton is expected to speak on campus at the Kline Athletic Center.  Television stars Dule Hill (The West Wing, Psych) and Zachary Quinto (Heroes, 24) address Dickinsonians on Obama's candidacy and the importance of the young vote.  Trickett Hall undergoes major renovations.  A drinking age debate sponsored by the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues, James Chambers (class of 1978) and Niecy Chambers sparks discussion.


Dickinsonian, February 23, 2001

John Walsh, host of America's Most Wanted, was the keynote speaker for the Public Affairs Symposium on Crime and Punishment. Several sexual assault incidents on campus have raised public safety concerns among the Dickinson community. The Center for Public Speaking will be eliminated after this year. Congressman Curt Weldon is set to receive the Benjamin Rush Award. Five students are asked about President Durden's reason for wearing a bow-tie. Adam Ferullo writes a "good-bye" column to President Bill Clinton.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 1993

Suspense grows for announcement of graduation speaker. Poor recruiting does not reflect job market. Clinton will not increase individual Pell grants. College fills Communications and Development post. Coat thefts baffle Security. Students keep to the tradition of Florida for Spring Break. Black History at Dickinson is explored. Tischler tells concert committee to keep Phish-in'. The Eaken Piano Trio: Balance in performance. DTG's Freshworks hands audience new look.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 12, 1992

Weekend cross burning inflames Carlisle community. Trout Gallery to display AIDS quilt. Week planned to raise awareness about homelessness. Clinton faces voter mandate. Beta Theta Pi beats Sigma Chi in race for Senate funding. Baseball caps have become popular on campus. Hudlin Brothers find success and social consciousness. DTG's "Company D" gives audience an imaginative range of talent.


Dickinsonian, November 5, 1992

Winds of change blow Clinton into Oval Office. Substance free housing proposed. College faces possible "no parking" sign violations in Mooreland lot. Third annual rape awareness week proves successful. Studies tie the economy to election results. Lines in the cafeteria still long, even after renovations. Stars take "Time Out" for AIDS awareness Scientists search for simple cures to complex diseases.


Dickinsonian, October 29, 1992

Election day preview. Carlisle streets struck by wave of drug crimes. H. Ross tells America to get with the "Perot-gram". Three way race heads for finish. College needs to reassess its handicap accessibility. This year's congressional election dubbed "The Year of the Woman". Grace Jarvis and Student Senate clash over student representation. Voter participation at record high. Moscow trip didn't make students Communists. Bush and Clinton debate education. Carlisle Theatre's revitalization plan underway. Campus Rock the Vote succeeds.


Dickinsonian, October 7, 1993

President Clinton's proposed health care reform bill is supposed to provide security to the middle class. A list of benefits all Americans would be entitled to under the reform is also provided. Students help build "Fort LeTort"-- a wooden playground at LeTort park. The Senior class Gift Drive begins. Bike theft is on the rise. Greek Women and 'rushees' speak out regarding the pros and cons of rush. The Jose Greco dance company visits Dickinson and gives a fantastic performance. the football team suffers their first loss to the Union Dutchman.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 30, 1993

President Clinton attempts to fix the health care system with a bill that will provide health care to the uninsured. Paleontologist Mark Norell speaks during Common Hour on his recent digs in Mongolia. Writing Director at Brown University Tori Haring-Smith leads a discussion on writing across the curriculum. Russian President Boris Yeltsin dissolves Parliament. A History of the Carlisle theatre as well as continuing plans for its renovation are presented. The Women's cross-country team sees their winning streak come to an end.


Dickinsonian, September 16, 1993

Admissions attributes the smallest freshman class in years, 487, to the recession. On September 13th, the White House serves as a neutral ground for Israeli Prime Minister Yatzhiz Rabin and Chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Yasir Arafat, to sign a peace treaty entitled "The Declaration of Principles" to end hostility between the two groups. The IFC decides to make a standard procedure for Men's Rush. Dickinson Professors discuss the Bosnian conflict. Freshmen give a review of orientation. 1975 Dickinson alum Reverend David F.


Dickinsonian, September 9, 1993

An article announces college students as the newest high risk group for AIDS. The new Dean of Educational Services, Dean Emerick, looks forward to getting to know students and adapting to the campus. The YWCA and the Social Justice Coalition of Carlisle will sponsor the second annual Rainbow Festival celebrating cultural and racial differences in the community. Three Emergency phones are installed by the Safety and Security office. When a button is pushed they will offer a direct line to the Safety office. Economics professors speak out on President Clinton's new proposed Budget.
