Dickinsonian, April 16, 2004

Wheelchair accessibility problematic around campus. Senate budget surplus explained. Dickinson College Democrats to host an election debate between the Democrat nominees for the 199th District of the Pennsylvania State House spot. Multi-Organization Board and Campus Activities Board to undergo structural changes.


Dickinsonian, December 11, 1980

New regulations imposed concerning posting of signs in the dining hall. Problem of lack of handicap accessible facilities on campus is discussed. Changes made by Task Force lead to revisions of College judicial structure. Sociology/Anthropology Department split into two separate entities. Resolutions presented by Task Force draw mixed reactions. Coro Stelutis concert held on campus. The Mermaid Players continue their annual ritual of showcasing freshmen talent in The Freshman Plays.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 22, 1994

Old West opens its doors to celebrate Constitution Day. College welcomes new faculty. Disabled students will have less boundaries. PAS to discuss the United Nations. Freshman class impresses Admissions. Account of rushing for men and women. Local bands attempt to establish a name as HUB rocks last Friday night. Student reviews Bologna. Student reviews the new coffee bar in the HUB.


Dickinsonian, September 15, 1994

Grand plans for social space becoming a reality. College mourns the loss of alumni killed in a plane crash in California. The college undertakes the Capital Campaign, trying to raise $40 million for enhancing academic programs. The HUB becomes accessible to disabled students. College addresses questions at the first Town Meeting, organized by Student Senate and UPS. Community cracks down on jaywalkers. Three new staff join Dickinson, eager to help students.


Dickinsonian, October 29, 1992

Election day preview. Carlisle streets struck by wave of drug crimes. H. Ross tells America to get with the "Perot-gram". Three way race heads for finish. College needs to reassess its handicap accessibility. This year's congressional election dubbed "The Year of the Woman". Grace Jarvis and Student Senate clash over student representation. Voter participation at record high. Moscow trip didn't make students Communists. Bush and Clinton debate education. Carlisle Theatre's revitalization plan underway. Campus Rock the Vote succeeds.
