Dickinsonian, March 26, 2008

Former President Bill Clinton is expected to speak on campus at the Kline Athletic Center.  Television stars Dule Hill (The West Wing, Psych) and Zachary Quinto (Heroes, 24) address Dickinsonians on Obama's candidacy and the importance of the young vote.  Trickett Hall undergoes major renovations.  A drinking age debate sponsored by the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues, James Chambers (class of 1978) and Niecy Chambers sparks discussion.


Dickinsonian, April 11, 1929

In response to the withdrawal from political cliques by two fraternities in the prior week, Theta Chi endorses a move for a reform of on campus politics.  The freshmen women of Metzger Hall with a B average are rewarded with the freedom to go out on all nights of the week exluding Monday, on which all students are bound to their living quarters.


Dickinsonian, April 4, 1929

The Chi Omega and Phi Kappa Sigma fraternities renounce on-campus ties to political cliques and vow to allow members to vote according to personal sentiments.  The Harrisburg Mozart Festival commences its second annual program of concerts at William Penn High School in Harrisburg.
