Dickinsonian, November 19, 2008

Antonio Banderas to visit the college. Distant connection found between Justice Gabriel Duvall, who funded the construction of Old West, and President Barack Obama. Petition for sexual orientation to be added to Dickinson's non-discrimination policy. Delta Sigma Phi and Delta Sigma Theta hold a fundraiser in Old West. Third Degree Steppers win at Apollo Night. Susannah Barlow becomes the Women's Center director. The Department of Theatre and Dance will present the Freshmen Plays. Men and Women's cross country teams secure places in the NCAA Divisions III championships.


Dickinsonian, November 12, 2008

Notes about the Lupe Fiasco concert. Senate considers student-run shuttle service. President William G. Durden gives his annual "State of the College" address. Article on Tony's Pastry Shop. Shane L. Windmeya speaks about LGBT and Greek life. Changes to policy concerning religious holidays. Jive Turkeys help clean up highways. Presentation on the hazards of smoking. CollegeHumor to perform. Update on the upcoming Apollo Night.


Dickinsonian, November 5, 2008

Relay for Life to be held. Comments about the increase in internet speed. Article on Barack Obama's presidential victory. Changes to the orientation committee. Nichole Fernandez is named the Reserve World Champion at the International Friesian Showhorse Association's Grand Nation and Worlds Competition. The African American Society, Kappa Alpha Theta, Sigma Lambda Beta and Kappa Alpha Psi host a Masquerade Ball. Article on holograms. Walkin' Jim Stoltz will perform at the Carlisle Theater. Men's cross country takes first place in the Centennial Conference.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 17, 2008

Stephanie Balmer new Dean of Admissions. Faculty hold discussion on current academic program at Dickinson. Indoor smoking ban takes effect in all Pennsylvania workplaces. Emily LaSota '09 meets Arizona Senator John McCain during a campaign event at Franklin & Marshall College. Dickinson students debate the drinking age.


Dickinsonian, September 10, 2008

Student Senate elections leave vacancies. Dickinson celebrates 225th anniversary. Durden hosts first Fireside Chat. Associate Director of Student Activities for Greek Life Jason Feiner and Director of Student Activities Gretchen Symons leave Dickinson for other jobs. First-years forced into triples and quads. The Carlisle Hookah Bar closes.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 3, 2008

Spanish Professor Mark Overstreet tenders his resignation abruptly. Rector Science Campus opens for classes after two years under construction. Lupe Fiasco chosen for Fall Concert. Former Dickinson student Patrick McMurphy '07 dies. President Durden calls for drinking age discussion. Althouse becomes home of IB&M and Economics Departments. Adams Hall lounge is renovated.


Dickinsonian, May 14, 2008

Seven Dickinsonians receive Fulbright Scholarships while six others opt to Teach for America.  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) honors Dickinson for its RecycleMania program.  Dickinson's new dean of admissions Stephanie Balmer prepares to assume her duties.  An overview of the evolution of the construction of the Rector Science Complex is presented.  CBS News correspondent and author Kimberly Dozier lectures Dickinsonians in the Stern Center about her time reporting from the war in Iraq.


Dickinsonian, April 30, 2008

The Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) collaborates with the Carlisle Borough LeTort Regional Authority (LRA) to create the First Annual LeTort Festival.  Malcolm Hall residents displaced by a fire return to their rooms despite smoke damage throughout much of the building.  Students flock to Morgan Field for the Amani SpringFest.  Graduating Student Senate president Anya Malkov passes the gavel to newly initiated president Aaron Williams.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 23, 2008

Theta Chi receives a one year suspension.  Hillary Clinton triumphs over Barack Obama in the Pennsylvania Primary, garnering 55% of the vote to Obama's 45%.  Senior J.R. Warner raises funds to support Cameroonian students via the Kumbo Development and Orientation Center (KUDOC) in Kumbo, Cameroon.


Dickinsonian, April 16, 2008

The fraternity Theta Chi remains temporarily suspended due to hazing.  Dickinson students pack the Stern Center Great Room to hear Benjamin Weiser, New York Times reporter and author, speak.  Student Senate election results are posted.  A racial epithet is found written on the door to Davidson-Wilson Hall regarding the upcoming US presidential elections.


Dickinsonian, April 9, 2008

Senator John Kerry campaigns for presidential candidate Barack Obama at the Carlisle Obama '08 Headquarters and the Cumberland Country Democratic Party Headquarters.  Former Dispatch member Pete Francis is selected to perform on Drayer porch as part of Springfest.  Class president hopefuls are profiled.  Dickinson's Model United Nations swept the award ceremony at the annual Virginia International Crisis Simulation (VICS) at the University of Virginia (UVA).


Dickinsonian, April 2, 2008

Former President William J. Clinton addresses students at Kline Center on the presidential campaign of wife Hillary Clinton.  Rumors pervade the student body that presidential candidate Barack Obama will visit the campus.  Senior adviser to Barack Obama, Mark Alexander speaks to students in Stern Center.  Obama supporters attend a rally in Harrisburg.  As clubs fight for Student Senate funding, Dickinson's tuition rates rise a further 6.9 percent for the 2008-2009 academic year.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 26, 2008

Former President Bill Clinton is expected to speak on campus at the Kline Athletic Center.  Television stars Dule Hill (The West Wing, Psych) and Zachary Quinto (Heroes, 24) address Dickinsonians on Obama's candidacy and the importance of the young vote.  Trickett Hall undergoes major renovations.  A drinking age debate sponsored by the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues, James Chambers (class of 1978) and Niecy Chambers sparks discussion.


Dickinsonian, March 5, 2008

Dickinson's study abroad program based in Yaoundé, Cameroon continues despite civil unrest within the country.  Biddle Field renovations are scheduled for the summer.  After an unprecedented number of applicants, the off-campus-living lottery stirs controversy.  An increasingly number of Dickinson students participate in the Fulbright Scholarship program.


Dickinsonian, February 27, 2008

Politically active students ban together to create a Dickinson chapter of Students for Barack Obama.  A Middle Eastern Studies major is approved.  The Clarke Center sponsors a transnational gender and sexuality panel.  Columnist Moustapha Minte demystifies the concept of the "Ugly American".  Travis Apgar, Dean of Students at Cornell University, comes to Dickinson to discuss hazing.


Dickinsonian, February 20, 2008

The 45th annual Public Affairs Symposium (PAS) began with a lecture by ex-CIA operations officer Valerie Plame Wilson and continued with a lecture by national renowned privacy expert Jeffrey Rosen.  Dickinson receives a $1.4 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to go towards a Center for Environmental Studies.  Campus policy on hookah use is discussed after a number of confiscations.


Dickinsonian, February 6, 2008

Historically Latino Sigma Lambda Beta looks to start a chapter on the Dickinson campus.  President William G. Durden is named to the Fulbright Advisory Board (Council for International Exchange of Scholars division (CIES) of the Institute of International Education (IIE)).


Dickinsonian, January 30, 2008

The Multi-Organizational Board announces alternative rock band Brand New as its Spring 2008 concert selection.  Stephanie Balmer is chosen as the new Dean of Admissions falling the resignation of Seth Allen in 2007.  Kappa Sigma mounts a return to the campus community after being suspended in 2004.  Over winter break, the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) has a successful trip to Thailand.
