Dickinsonian, April 15, 2015
Men's Club Lacrosse Team experiences an undefeated season, Austrian writer Thomas Glavinic shares his stories, MOB hosts Springfest on Morgan field and explorer Paul Mayewski discusses his adventures.
Men's Club Lacrosse Team experiences an undefeated season, Austrian writer Thomas Glavinic shares his stories, MOB hosts Springfest on Morgan field and explorer Paul Mayewski discusses his adventures.
Protest against sexual misconduct. Deceased student Nate Kirkland is made an honorary member of the Scroll and Key Society. Summary of SpringFest. Michelle Hadley wins a library limerick contest. A student is hit by a car during SpringFest.
Senator John Kerry campaigns for presidential candidate Barack Obama at the Carlisle Obama '08 Headquarters and the Cumberland Country Democratic Party Headquarters. Former Dispatch member Pete Francis is selected to perform on Drayer porch as part of Springfest. Class president hopefuls are profiled. Dickinson's Model United Nations swept the award ceremony at the annual Virginia International Crisis Simulation (VICS) at the University of Virginia (UVA).
Springfest occurred, met with good weather and mixed reactions from the student body. The first annual Deli Night was well-attended. Keith Rodgers and Skip Stevenson are doing a 50-hour radio marathon for autism. A lip syncing contest capped off Greek week 2001. The Student Senate held their last meeting of the year. Morgan Hall won the Freshman Olympics. Adam Ferullo reviews President Bush's first 100 days in office. A poll of students reveals that most freshmen are pleased with Dickinson, but that half of them have considered transferring.
Greek Week hopes for happy, happy. Elvis has just left the Concert Committee. Emerick replaces Neuberger as Educational Services Dean. Lessons of Los Angeles; one year later colleges mobilize for activism. Lip-Sync expected to draw its usual crowd during Greek Week. Springfest takes us back to the quad. The silent victims of sexual harassment. Harassment effects Dickinson, too. Weiss Prize winners are a panorama of talent. Miami project benefits from Greek Consortium. Dance Theatre represents "Metamorphosis in Art".