Dickinsonian, May 6, 1993

Four professors earn tenure while several others did not . Seniors get ready to break the rules during senior week. Former Attorney General Edwin Meese details polarization between the executive branch and congress. Dean Carmen Neuberger bids college farewell. United way/College needs assessment of Carlisle, Part 2. UVA bans student-teacher sexual relationships. DTG Spring concert draws E-motion from the critics.

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Dickinsonian, April 29, 1993

Careless attitudes about alcohol and sex make men and women victims. College responds to rape with support and education. Needs assessment project examines Carlisle community problems. Students respond to professors survey. Concert Committee drags Violent Femmes from the '80s. Congressman Bill Goodling battles federal work-study service program. Career center scrambles to alleviate problems caused by mail fraud. DTG's E-Motion hits the mark. Lab Theater Shows spring into action. 1993 Weiss Prize winners shine in "Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia".


Dickinsonian, April 22, 1993

Greek Week hopes for happy, happy. Elvis has just left the Concert Committee. Emerick replaces Neuberger as Educational Services Dean. Lessons of Los Angeles; one year later colleges mobilize for activism. Lip-Sync expected to draw its usual crowd during Greek Week. Springfest takes us back to the quad. The silent victims of sexual harassment. Harassment effects Dickinson, too. Weiss Prize winners are a panorama of talent. Miami project benefits from Greek Consortium. Dance Theatre represents "Metamorphosis in Art".


Dickinsonian, April 15, 1993

Holocaust survivors and their relatives touch the lives of students. Holocaust exhibit portrays horror and devastation. Reading program succeeds in Carlisle elementary schools. Will alcohol violations soon mean the loss of financial aid? Wallets loosen as White Hats bring 200 bucks to Big/Little. Senate budget leaves some groups hungry. The heat is on! Spring fever hits the campus. Community service better for grade point average. Mermaid Players meet success with The Rimers of Eldritch. Room draw and other college fairy tales.


Dickinsonian, April 8, 1993

Secrets of how to live off-campus revealed. Lack of candidates and voters tarnishes Senate races, three positions unfilled. New Student Senate president to fight apathy, inspire activity. Weather dampens events but not spirit of the first annual Peace Festival. Holocaust remembered by College. John Dickinson, founder or flounder. Propel yourself with "Velocity Girl". The cold "rained" supreme in Fl.


Dickinsonian, April 1, 1993

Articles for April Fools Day:  Articles from historical Dickinsonians. Denny Hall destroyed in fire. Senate passes strict rules for freshmen. Red Devils football defeats Penn State. Old West Mermaid replaced by replica. Dickinson during the Civil War. Barry Goldwater speaks on the Greek system, political doctrine.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1993

Occupancy requirements force fraternities out. Fraternities petition for recognition. Faculty negs senate vote. Senior class committee searches for funding. Freshmen drink but prefer not to. ROTC training includes air exercise. Traveling abroad? watch out. A look back at historical college news. Broadway hits Dickinson to help local needy. Fields of Vision opens a contemporary door to an ancient land. Eaken Piano Trio gives stellar performance to Carnegie audience.


Dickinsonian, March 4, 1993

Faculty to decide senate president's right to vote in faculty meeting. Seamus Heaney mesmerizes at Common Hour. Rugby offers escort service. African dance troupe Dinizulu thrills and energizes ATS. HUB construction awaits warmer weather. After 19 thefts this semester, Security heightens efforts. Is the college liable for thefts? Study abroad programs maintain allure. Freshworks says: We are just here to jam. Eaken Piano Trio prepares for their Carnegie Hall debut.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 1993

Suspense grows for announcement of graduation speaker. Poor recruiting does not reflect job market. Clinton will not increase individual Pell grants. College fills Communications and Development post. Coat thefts baffle Security. Students keep to the tradition of Florida for Spring Break. Black History at Dickinson is explored. Tischler tells concert committee to keep Phish-in'. The Eaken Piano Trio: Balance in performance. DTG's Freshworks hands audience new look.

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Dickinsonian, February 18, 1993

PAS draws record numbers, sparks awareness. Joe Clark, Reverend Dr. William Sloane Coffin, Jack Palance speak. Shirts from the Clothesline project break silence about sexual violence. Judith Lee Berg, sheds light on hate. Lumberyard renovated, still popular social space for campus organizations. With $30,000, Concert Committee lacks planning, big ticket. Where can you get Brass Lobsters? The Browsery. Peace Action group plans festival for April. Article on the College's proud past. Mermaid Players give best performance in years.


Dickinsonian, February 11, 1993

US Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun addresses "the changing of the guard" at ATS. Protesters maintain vigil for God to "deal" Justice Blackmun. Riots, film galvanize black empowerment. Accident claims the life of college employee; injures another. Devil's Den usurps the condom machine. Groups urge students to boycott Colorado over gay rights. PAS presents Jack Palance for speech. A look back at the Dickinsonian's past: 121 years of excellence and scholarship. Controversy in the Quads. The year long Irish Festival continues.

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Dickinsonian, February 4, 1993

Corporations and stats show that GPA's are not a big question. ROTC addresses Clinton mandate on homosexuals. Seniors denied classes during spring registration. Ed Sweeney leaves Devils Football for Div.1 AA. US Supreme Court Justice Henry Blackmun to address law school. Professor Jane Hill dies while on sabbatical. PAS takes on violence in American society. Students unite for Beyond the Dream. Silly or serious, many campus traditions are here to stay. Fine Arts students display a semester's worth of research and hard work.

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Dickinsonian, October 14, 1993

A student is arrested outside of Morgan carrying a loaded firearm. The student is believed to have been planing on returning to Phi Kappa Psi with the gun. Tri-Delta is renewed with a large pledge class of 34. The college celebrates National Coming Out Day. Nine Dickinson students studying abroad in Moscow hold up well among recent violence between supporters of Boris Yeltsin and hard-line Communists in Parliament. Dr. George Woodwell came and spoke to students about environmental issues and was the recipient of this year's Priestley Award.


Dickinsonian, December 9, 1993

10-15 students will participate in February graduation. Sigma Chi fraternity hosted recovering alcoholic and founder of Collegiate Consultants on Drugs and Alcohol Mike Green, who talked about the dangers of excess drinking and drugs. Dean Allan announces his decision to resign from his administrative position, though he plans to continue teaching philosophy. Parking on Campus is deemed difficult and costly by students. Students from Toulouse wish a Merry Christmas. Men's basketball continues to be very inconsistent. The Ice hockey team continues to do well.


Dickinsonian, December 2, 1993

Required chemistry labs 131 and 132 are combined into a new more hands-on approach in Chemistry 141-foundations of chemistry. The Affirmative Action Officer updates the college's discrimination policy by changing the wording of prohibition of discrimination based on "gender" to discrimination based on "sex" and also adding the probation of discrimination due to "sexual orientation." Student Senate finds a bank error in their favor, collecting $40,000. On Sunday the 24th, a glass Coke bottle filled with tobacco "juice" shatters, spilling onto and damaging multiple books in the library.


Dickinsonian, November 11, 1993

Student Senate faces a deficit of over $30,000 due to a book keeping error. Native American couple Archie and Ramona Mason, from the Osage and Mvskoke tribes respectively, present "Images of a People: A Presentation of native American Life" discussing their cross-cultural marriage. The Woman's Center holds multiple activities in conjunction with Rape Awareness Week. A survey reveals new statistics about rape both on and off campus. The Faculty Personnel Committee will not allow romantic relationships between students and faculty.


Dickinsonian, November 4, 1993

Recent alumni return to offer advice on careers and life in the real world. ODK taps 30 new members. Campus officer Robert Whisler of Safety and Security graduates as valedictorian of his Municipal Police Training Course. Prof. Sanford Pinsker of Franklin and Marshall College spoke on the question "Is the Jewish-American Experience Over?" As part of Multi-Cultural Awareness Week, Lawrence Otis Graham spoke about racism in his experiences as an Invisible Man. A shopping guide is released that rates stores on a scale of public-correctness.

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Dickinsonian, October 28, 1993

A student is arrested outside of Morgan in possession of a loaded firearm en-route to Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, after a dispute with some of the brothers. Tri-Delta sorority is rejuvenated by a large pledge class of 34 women. Dickinson celebrates National Coming Out Day. Dickinson's Alcohol policy is examined. The Women's Cross-country team takes third and Dickinson's invitational. Dickinson grads David Frysinger, Melanie Broujos, and Edward Fedok are inducted into the Hall of Fame.


Dickinsonian, October 7, 1993

President Clinton's proposed health care reform bill is supposed to provide security to the middle class. A list of benefits all Americans would be entitled to under the reform is also provided. Students help build "Fort LeTort"-- a wooden playground at LeTort park. The Senior class Gift Drive begins. Bike theft is on the rise. Greek Women and 'rushees' speak out regarding the pros and cons of rush. The Jose Greco dance company visits Dickinson and gives a fantastic performance. the football team suffers their first loss to the Union Dutchman.

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Dickinsonian, September 30, 1993

President Clinton attempts to fix the health care system with a bill that will provide health care to the uninsured. Paleontologist Mark Norell speaks during Common Hour on his recent digs in Mongolia. Writing Director at Brown University Tori Haring-Smith leads a discussion on writing across the curriculum. Russian President Boris Yeltsin dissolves Parliament. A History of the Carlisle theatre as well as continuing plans for its renovation are presented. The Women's cross-country team sees their winning streak come to an end.


Dickinsonian, September 23, 1993

The "elms yellow" disease threatens many trees on campus. College students are named among the most vulnerable to Hepatitis B. The Political coup in the former Soviet Union deposes Boris Yeltsin and instates Aleksandr Rutskoi as acting president and sparks campus debate. On September 18th, approximately twenty five Dickinson students, accompanied by religion professor Dan Cozort, traveled to the Hindu American Religious Institute to observe and participate in a celebration of the birthday of Lord Ganesha, a Hindu deity. The Red Devils football team take a victory over Muhlenberg.


Dickinsonian, September 16, 1993

Admissions attributes the smallest freshman class in years, 487, to the recession. On September 13th, the White House serves as a neutral ground for Israeli Prime Minister Yatzhiz Rabin and Chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Yasir Arafat, to sign a peace treaty entitled "The Declaration of Principles" to end hostility between the two groups. The IFC decides to make a standard procedure for Men's Rush. Dickinson Professors discuss the Bosnian conflict. Freshmen give a review of orientation. 1975 Dickinson alum Reverend David F.


Dickinsonian, September 9, 1993

An article announces college students as the newest high risk group for AIDS. The new Dean of Educational Services, Dean Emerick, looks forward to getting to know students and adapting to the campus. The YWCA and the Social Justice Coalition of Carlisle will sponsor the second annual Rainbow Festival celebrating cultural and racial differences in the community. Three Emergency phones are installed by the Safety and Security office. When a button is pushed they will offer a direct line to the Safety office. Economics professors speak out on President Clinton's new proposed Budget.
