Dickinsonian, February 4, 1993

Corporations and stats show that GPA's are not a big question. ROTC addresses Clinton mandate on homosexuals. Seniors denied classes during spring registration. Ed Sweeney leaves Devils Football for Div.1 AA. US Supreme Court Justice Henry Blackmun to address law school. Professor Jane Hill dies while on sabbatical. PAS takes on violence in American society. Students unite for Beyond the Dream. Silly or serious, many campus traditions are here to stay. Fine Arts students display a semester's worth of research and hard work.

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Dickinsonian, January 30, 1985

Dickinson announces a 9.9% tuition increase to meet rising costs of institutional improvements. Students studying off campus run into a number of problems on return, chiefest among them the disorganization of course registration. College receives $1 million grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. $200,000 received from the Charles A. Dana Foundation for providing jobs to students in the areas of their academic interest. Parking lot formerly reserved for students re-designated as faculty and staff parking, much to students' frustration.


Dickinsonian, September 5, 1985

Elections by the All-College Committee were declared "invalid" by Student Senate President Dean Kremer due to the election being "unconstitutional." Panhellenic officers are considering Tri-Delta or Delta Delta Delta as a sixth sorority. Vehicle registration for the campus is now free of charge. John Hershey, director of Student Life, moved students around to different houses on campus to create a "magical" solution to the housing crisis. New football coach, Ed Sweeney, led the football team to a win in a scrimmage.

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