Dickinsonian, February 11, 1993

US Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun addresses "the changing of the guard" at ATS. Protesters maintain vigil for God to "deal" Justice Blackmun. Riots, film galvanize black empowerment. Accident claims the life of college employee; injures another. Devil's Den usurps the condom machine. Groups urge students to boycott Colorado over gay rights. PAS presents Jack Palance for speech. A look back at the Dickinsonian's past: 121 years of excellence and scholarship. Controversy in the Quads. The year long Irish Festival continues.

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Dickinsonian, February 4, 1993

Corporations and stats show that GPA's are not a big question. ROTC addresses Clinton mandate on homosexuals. Seniors denied classes during spring registration. Ed Sweeney leaves Devils Football for Div.1 AA. US Supreme Court Justice Henry Blackmun to address law school. Professor Jane Hill dies while on sabbatical. PAS takes on violence in American society. Students unite for Beyond the Dream. Silly or serious, many campus traditions are here to stay. Fine Arts students display a semester's worth of research and hard work.

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