Dickinsonian, October 31, 1996

Bill Clinton sweeps mock election held at Dickinson. Artists-in-Residence at the College, the Eaken Piano Trio to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York City. Circle K, Alpha Phi Omega, and Student Senate participate in Make a Difference Day, a national day of service. Detailed articles on the upcoming Presidential Election. Profiles on Congressional candidates for District 19. Article on Freshman Jason Morris, who is blind and uses a guide dog. The Men's Cross Country team performed well at the conference championship. Sports Hall of Fame inducts new members.


Dickinsonian, September 21, 1989

Approximately 1000 student demonstrators gather on Weiss lawn in support of Committee on Student Voice's proposals and to discuss other concerns. Senior Management Group endorses proposal to have a student position in the administration. Budget stifles cafeteria plans proposed in Select Committee Report on Greek Life. New phone system connects academic and administrative buildings as well as student housing. Eaken Piano Trio performs in Rubendall Recital Hall.


Dickinsonian, April 13, 1995

Examination of reprinted classroom material underway. Honor code proposal earns Senate approval. Carlisle ex-con Willie Nesmith's release causes campus anxiety. Students travel to D.C.'s Rally For Women's Lives. Writers Helena Maria Viramontes, Ana Castillo, and Roberta Fernández speak at College's first Chicana/Latina Writer's Symposium.


Dickinsonian, December 6, 1990

Housing forum discusses Greek Life housing situations in light of empty beds in fraternity houses. Peace Action Group founded in response to situation in the Middle East. Eaken Piano Trio performs on campus. Bookstore buy-back fairness examined. Middle East crisis comes into focus on campus.


Dickinsonian, April 20, 1995

Prof. Daniel Bechtel retires. Raven's Claw to tap 100th class on Old Stone Steps. Prof. Neil Weissman appointed Director of Clarke Center. Morgan Lecture delivered by Paul Fussell. College prepares for composer Lalo Schifrin's arrival. Administrator Charles Seller retires. Model UN group forms. Looking Glass Theatre seeks to "promote diversity" through orientation skits.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1993

Occupancy requirements force fraternities out. Fraternities petition for recognition. Faculty negs senate vote. Senior class committee searches for funding. Freshmen drink but prefer not to. ROTC training includes air exercise. Traveling abroad? watch out. A look back at historical college news. Broadway hits Dickinson to help local needy. Fields of Vision opens a contemporary door to an ancient land. Eaken Piano Trio gives stellar performance to Carnegie audience.


Dickinsonian, March 4, 1993

Faculty to decide senate president's right to vote in faculty meeting. Seamus Heaney mesmerizes at Common Hour. Rugby offers escort service. African dance troupe Dinizulu thrills and energizes ATS. HUB construction awaits warmer weather. After 19 thefts this semester, Security heightens efforts. Is the college liable for thefts? Study abroad programs maintain allure. Freshworks says: We are just here to jam. Eaken Piano Trio prepares for their Carnegie Hall debut.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 1993

Suspense grows for announcement of graduation speaker. Poor recruiting does not reflect job market. Clinton will not increase individual Pell grants. College fills Communications and Development post. Coat thefts baffle Security. Students keep to the tradition of Florida for Spring Break. Black History at Dickinson is explored. Tischler tells concert committee to keep Phish-in'. The Eaken Piano Trio: Balance in performance. DTG's Freshworks hands audience new look.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 4, 1993

Corporations and stats show that GPA's are not a big question. ROTC addresses Clinton mandate on homosexuals. Seniors denied classes during spring registration. Ed Sweeney leaves Devils Football for Div.1 AA. US Supreme Court Justice Henry Blackmun to address law school. Professor Jane Hill dies while on sabbatical. PAS takes on violence in American society. Students unite for Beyond the Dream. Silly or serious, many campus traditions are here to stay. Fine Arts students display a semester's worth of research and hard work.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 8, 1992

Piazza will be focal point of college after renovations. Sick students told to wait for health center appointments. Students help local candidates campaign. Financial aid emerges as a campaign issue in Presidential race. Al Masland calls for reforms during campus campaigning. College's ROTC program takes pride in breaking stereotypes. Paul Kilker talks to students about his bid for congress. Seniors urges to donate a little this fall to help future collegians. Second City brings innovation and social awareness to ATS. Octubafest celebrates fall in Carlisle.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 9, 1992

More students than expected vote in senate elections. Record number of students who applied for off campus housing are denied. Bud Shaw, alumnus and activist, dies of AIDS. Students attend an abortion rights march in Washington, D.C. Symposium to be held to discuss the future of Cuba. Students and Safety and Security both pleased with HUB's all night hours. Walter Eddy discusses role of administration in Greek Life. Multiculturalism has become the goal and challenge for administrators. Editorial on the National Endowment for the Arts.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1991

Red Devils Football will face Lycoming Crusaders in playoffs. Richard Carper speaks on lessons from AIDS. Quads 5 and 6 to be renovated next summer. MLK Research Center for Cultural Awareness opened. Tutor linking program reaches freshman seminars. Preliminary plan for ethnic studies program discussed. Peace Action group proposes the development of a Peace and Justice program. Profile of American Studies Professor Lonna Malmsheimer. Students returning from abroad cope with culture shock. Mozart's Requim performs by the College Choir and Orchestra. Eaken Piano Trio presents Mozart Tribute.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 3, 1991

College releases study examining diversity. Biology and Physics revise lab curriculum. Bosler microroom to close at midnight. Proposal to name quads announces. Priestley Award given to chemist Dr. Harry B. Gray. Student suffers health problems due to raw breakfast potatoes. Eaken Piano Trio performs during parents weekend. Festival of Tibet to be held at the college. Mission and activities of the Treehouse is profiled. Counselors explain the services of the counseling center. Construction of new residence hall permanently postponed. Rowing more beneficial than running.
