Dickinsonian Newspaper

New York City

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinson defeats Ursinus 4-0 in a kick-filled football game that punctuates the differences from the modern game.  Roswell Bates of New York City delivers a lecture in Allison M.E. Church.

Dickinsonian Front Page

John W. Ell discusses the meaning of "Dickinson's Tradition," and its place in Old West.  Football coach Arthur D. Kahler selects a virtual "all-opponent team" composed of the best players at every position from the teams against which Dickinson has played thus far in the year.  The Dickinson...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinson's journalistic fraternity, Alpha Sigma Gamma, petitions national journalistic fraternity Pi Delta Epsilon for a charter. A group of 12 students visit the U.N. in New York. Ozan Marsh performs a piano recital, his second visit to Dickinson. A new program of inter-college cooperation...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Students travel to New York to visit United Nations building and attend various committees. College president Dr. William Edel attends President Eisenhower's birthday party at Hershey as a guest of Colonel Ketchem, financial advisor to the Republican National Committee. College Commons falls...

Dickinsonian Front Page

National Development Committee of Dickinson meets in New York City, works on $12 million capital gifts campaign. Jay and the Americans replace The Four Tops as Dickinson's Homecoming Weekend headliners. Plans to renovate East College are considered. Dickinson to manage newly established wildlife...

Dickinsonian Front Page

A rumored change in Dickinson's food service provoked a student outcry. Dean Gillespie has announced Thomas W. Carver as the new Dean of Men. John Bakeless is set to lecture on Thomas Conrad at the Spahr Library on April 5 at 8 P.M. 20 students were selected to be part of the Center for...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Students on the year-long Bologna program returned to campus with resident director Prof. Eugene Rossi, while a new group is sailing to Bologna to start their year-long program with Prof. Paul Angiolillo. Charlotte's Web, a rock band made up of Dickinson students is receiving acclaim for their...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Michael Bell of Indiana and Purdue Universities offers American Folklore summer course. Trustees elect two new members: Samuel Witwer, Jr., and Thomas Zug. Prof. Howard Long wins Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching. Seniors present award to Prof. William Jeffries. The Toronto Consort to...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Jorge Luis Borges opened his symposium on Wednesday night by giving a lecture on the poetry of Emily Dickinson and engaging the audience with a question and answer period. Yale's Insider's Guide to the Colleges drew negative responses from Dickinson's administration after the guide claimed that...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Bill Clinton sweeps mock election held at Dickinson. Artists-in-Residence at the College, the Eaken Piano Trio to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York City. Circle K, Alpha Phi Omega, and Student Senate participate in Make a Difference Day, a national day of service. Detailed articles on the...

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