Dickinsonian, June 18, 1976

Michael Bell of Indiana and Purdue Universities offers American Folklore summer course. Trustees elect two new members: Samuel Witwer, Jr., and Thomas Zug. Prof. Howard Long wins Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching. Seniors present award to Prof. William Jeffries. The Toronto Consort to perform at College. Local photographer Charles Isaacs, Jr.'s prints of Vietnamese emigrants are on display in New York City.


Dickinsonian, March 29, 1974

Dr. Henry Eyring receives Priestley Memorial Award as he delivers a speech both humorous and "informative." Robert Greenleaf will be the upcoming Woodrow Wilson Senior Fellow. Black poets Dudley Randall and Gwendolyn Brooks are to appear in the Congress of African Students' Black Arts Festival. Frederick Ferré accepts Visiting Professor position at Purdue for next school year. The Commission on the Status of Women at the College forms a Grievance Committee. In the Eastern Pennsylvania Collegiate Chess League, the College's team takes first.
